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Does Technical Skills and Mastery of Language make a great writer or Creativity and Originality


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What makes a good writer, is it their technical skills and mastery of language or is it more their creativity and originality?

I'd love to hear what you think below.

For me, a good writer is fundamentally defined by their technical skills and mastery of language. This includes grammar, punctuation, and a deep understanding of syntax and style. These skills ensure that the writer can communicate their ideas clearly and effectively. Without a solid grasp of the basics, even the most creative ideas can fall flat. Technical proficiency allows writers to construct compelling narratives that are both coherent and engaging. However, while technical skills are important, creativity and originality are what also make a writer exceptional. A good writer can think outside the box, bringing fresh perspectives and unique voices to their work. Creativity fuels the ability to craft stories that captivate and resonate with readers on an emotional level. It’s the original ideas and innovative approaches that set great writers apart from those who are merely competent.

In my opinion a good writer is all of the above. though I do believe having technical skills and mastering the language is the most important part of being a good writer. If you're going to write something that is full of misspelled and incorrect punctuation, then you will not be taken seriously. If you don't know the language or the rules to the language, then creating any good content would be extremely difficult.

What's your thought on this?
When it comes to a good writer, I would have to say that having the mastery and skills of the language as well as being creative and original all work together side by side to help with the writing.

I guess you could be a writer with only a few of those skills but having all of those skills will only better your writing over time.
For me, originality and creativity is what truly make a great writer. Technical skills can be learned. Creativity and originality? That's for exceptional writers.
I think the best writers will strike a balance between technical skills and creativity. The technical skills can be used to convey their creative vision more effectively.
Well, it depends on what kind of writing you want to do. If you are writing novels and short stories, you need creativity and originality, you do not need any technical skills like keyword research, SEO or even digital marketing. However, if you plan to write online, you need SEO. Since you are basically writing for search content, you need information on your written work, creativity and originality might not be required as long as your article is well optimized for search engines
Well in any language you are writing, it is important that you master the language. Only then will you be able to write in a captivating way. You should learn to be creative as well, make people hooked on what they are reading.

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