Ethics Do you allow ban appeals from your members?

For discussions on ethical decision-making in community management.


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Banning a member is often a last resort when managing a community, something we normally don't look forward to - but the question of whether to allow ban appeals can be a tough one. As community leaders, it's essential to strike a balance between enforcing rules and offering second chances.

What are your thoughts?​

  • Do you allow members to appeal bans in your community?
  • Has allowing appeals been beneficial, or has it caused more problems?
  • How do you handle the process, and what guidelines do you set for appeals?
We’d love to hear how you manage ban appeals (or why you don’t) and how it's impacted your community! Share your experiences below.
I'm not sure since I've only had to ban 4 out of nearly 2000 members and those were all spammers that you know came to drop their link and leave for eternity. I'm all for second chances, but much of that is given before you ban someone by giving them verbal/actual warnings or restrictions. I suppose all in all it depends on the severity of damage they caused and how much of it.
I am against ban appeal. Once you ban someone, it should be final. Normally, before you ban someone you would be already giving multiple warnings and banning is always the last option. Therefore, why should you allow the user to appeal. Having said that banning should not be taken lightly, you should ban only for the big reasons.
I don't.

If you've been banned from one of my communities, then you'd done something really bad.

I don't like banning if we can work it out. But if I am forced to, then I don't want you on my forum.
Luckily we don't need to ban as often as 10 years ago. I remember a time where I had to ban people on a weekly basis.
Years ago, I would accept a ban appeal from someone if they were really sorry for what they did (like causing an heated argument), but most times I don't give anyone second chances. If they're banned, they're banned. It's as simple as that.