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General Changing up the tools

For discussions that don't fit other prefixes.


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hate Microsoft Word, but y'all do not need that rant for the myriad reasons why. Just... while plenty of people tolerate Word for writing, we actually have a whole fleet of tools for writing. I know this because for reasons far too convoluted to get in right now, I have a bunch of different tools installed.

Between my various devices, I currently have the following tools for writing installed: Scrivener, iA Writer, Writer's Cafe, DramaQueen, Plottr, Papyrus Author, Quoll Writer, Jutoh, OmmWriter, FocusWriter, yWriter, SmartEdit Writer, WordTsar, WordPerfect (yes it's still a thing), and tragically, Word. And this is just the top end of the market; there are others I can think of in the cloud market - Campfire Writing, Atticus, WorldAnvil and others.

They all do the writing thing. Many of them do things alongside the writing thing in various interesting ways. One of these days I'll get around to talking about them in a proper venue for such.

And the reason we have all these tools that people do use every day to do writing - is because many of them are better at it than Word is. I know people who will use 40-year-old word processing software rather than use Word to write actual books on.

The question then becomes: what does this tell us about forum software? They're tools for having discussions, sharing ideas. Some do this better than others. I want to hear why you love one over another. I want to hear what one gives you that you miss in another. I want to know what experiences you have in other software that you miss in forums. ALL of that good stuff. Let's not let word processing users have more variety and fun than we do!

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