Hey. I'm Al. Seems I'm part of the illustrious crew that our esteemed loser leader allowed to sign up early and check out this place. Interested to see what direction it goes in.
I'm a full-time employee in the UK and I do a little bit of content creation in my spare time. I have a few websites and I'm trying to get started on YouTube (but struggling with the technical challenges of OBS!). Some of my sites, if you ain't seen 'em before are: https://eatsleepgamerepeat.net | https://40kgames.com | https://shatteredsunrts.com
There's several others but they're the main ones. I guess I'll use AF (that's AgoraForo) for linking in with writers and other talented individuals.
See ya about the place.
I'm a full-time employee in the UK and I do a little bit of content creation in my spare time. I have a few websites and I'm trying to get started on YouTube (but struggling with the technical challenges of OBS!). Some of my sites, if you ain't seen 'em before are: https://eatsleepgamerepeat.net | https://40kgames.com | https://shatteredsunrts.com
There's several others but they're the main ones. I guess I'll use AF (that's AgoraForo) for linking in with writers and other talented individuals.
See ya about the place.