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  1. vBAdmins Forum

    vBAdmins Forum

  2. Khantastic

    Selling my New vBulletin 6.0.7 (Latest License)

    Hi friends, I am selling my latest vBulletin 6.0.7 license which I purchased a couple of days ago, the license name can be transferred I guess. I am new, I never sold it before. I want to get rid of my vBulletin license, if anyone is interested please let's connect. Thank you administrata for...
  3. Khantastic

    Selling my New vBulletin 6.0.7 (Latest License)

    Hi friends, I am selling my latest vBulletin 6.0.7 license which I purchased a couple of days ago, the license name can be transferred I guess. I am new, I never sold it before. I want to get rid of my vBulletin license, if anyone is interested please let's connect. Thank you agoraforo for...
  4. Shawn Gossman

    General vBulletin 6

    Picked me up a license of vBulletin 6. Last time I used VB was when 3.8 was in, a LONG time ago, lol. It's different. Lots of settings. They call everything channels, whereas XF calls everything nodes. So far, I like it. I don't like it as much or more than XenForo, but I'm not unhappy with...