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  1. Heatman

    Completed Asian Culture forum

    Last spot
  2. Heatman

    Completed SWC

    1st spot.
  3. Heatman

    Completed 50 posts on

    Last spot Edit : I've completed my part.
  4. Heatman

    Have you ever been involved in car accident?

    There's no one who's above having car accidents. This is because they can happen to you even when you're driving very careful with another driver crashing into you. You don't have to be over speeding before you can be involved in a car accident. Have you ever been involved in car accident? How...
  5. Heatman

    Do you like sleeping with or without pillows?

    Personally, I can't sleep without pillows. This is why I have 5 pillows in my bed. I love being buried under the pillows when I'm sleeping. The bed alone isn't enough for me. Also, if I try to sleep without pillows, I would wake up with neck pains. Do you like sleeping with or without pillows?
  6. Heatman

    How often do you change your smartphone?

    I've known some people who change or upgrade their smartphone every year. A friend of mine always upgrade his iPhone each a new version comes out. I don't worry about changing my smartphone until it's no longer serving me 100%. It's usually within 3 years that I have mine changed. I've also...
  7. Heatman

    How much do you pay for internet subscription monthly?

    Do you think that you're paying too much or less for your internet connection subscription every month? Currently, I'm paying $20 per month for my internet connection. I think it's much because I don't used do pay that much. How much do you pay for internet subscription monthly?
  8. Heatman

    What's the most toxic social media platforms you've used?

    I completely agree with you. Twitter/X is one social media platform that if you don't have a tough skin, it's going to be very difficult for you to last a day on that site.
  9. Heatman

    Middle Name

    I have a middle name and mine is "Chigozie". This means God Bless! I would never change it for anything in the world because it's a very good name. When I help someone and they say God bless you, I will reply, that's my name.
  10. Heatman

    Intentionally broken the law?

    I've never intentionally broken the law for any reason whatsoever. I didn't do such when I was still a kid and there's no way I would do so as an adult now. Although, I've gone to the police station once to clear myself of a case report.
  11. Heatman

    What's the most toxic social media platforms you've used?

    There's a reason why some people are no longer interested in making use of social media platforms. This is because of how toxic and unfriendly people on those social media sites behave when dealing with others. They make the online environment so uncomfortable for people. What's the most toxic...
  12. Heatman

    Which social media site have you been banned/suspended?

    Getting banned or suspended on social media platforms is a very common thing to happen. Most social media platforms have their algorithms set up to filter words that goes against their TOS and most times ban or suspend accounts that violates such rules. Have you done anything on any social media...
  13. Heatman

    What's the first social media site you used?

    There's always the first one which each and every one of us started our social media journey with. It's the first one which you created an account with and started engaging with others online. Do you still remember the first social media site you used?
  14. Heatman

    What's your favourite social media platform?

    Do you have any specific social media platform as your favourite and the rest doesn't matter to you? There are so many of them like Facebook, Twitter/X, Instagram, Threads, Bluesky, Truth App, Tiktok, Snapchat and so much more. Which one is your social media platform?
  15. Heatman

    What's your favourite football team?

    20 EPL trophies answers that for you. Show me another EPL team with 20 EPL trophies, then we can continue the conversation.
  16. Heatman

    What is the creepiest thing to have ever happened to you?

    Damn! That's crazy! You were lucky because that could have easily resulted in being involved in accidents. Sleep is so underrated and a lot of people pay the price for it because lack of it ruins your general health.
  17. Heatman

    Do you like using subtitles?

    This is an honest truth and I do it all the time. If I find it very difficult to pick up a book to read, it's never difficult for me to read what's on screen in subtitles. I enjoy doing it.
  18. Heatman

    What’s annoying you today?

    They probably didn't sleep well before driving. I've been in a bus travelling one time in the front seat and the driver dosed off while we were in traffic moving slow. I had to nudge him to wake up.
  19. Heatman

    What is the creepiest thing to have ever happened to you?

    This happened to me one time when I was getting treatment for malaria and typhoid. I was walking home and on call with my friend but was totally incoherent in what I was saying.