Thanks @Chris C for the confirmation of approval!
Thanks @Cedric for marking the thread complete.
Again apologies for any delays!
I look forward to hearing from you!
Kind Regards!
Hey @Chris C apologies for the delay and getting back to your message late!
Again I did miss the revert requested somehow, so the error was on my side, please see attached the revised banners and let me know if everything is in order.
Wetransfer download is now sent through however if you did...
Hi @Chris C
Thankyou so much! Payment has been received.
Due to the large source files, I have sent the files via we-transfer to the payment email.
Let me know if you receive it or alternatively you can download the files here:
Let me know if everything is in order...
Hi @Chris C
Thanks so much for getting back to me!
Yes that sounds absolutely fine with me! And thank you so much for the kind words. I will most certainly be awaiting the next project with you as it has been a pleasure working with you!
You may go ahead and make payment to our PayPal...
A Merry merry Christmas to everyone & their families! <3
Wishing everyone a jolly Christmas filled with love, happiness and everlasting memories!
🥳 🥰🎄🎅
Goodmorning @Chris C & A Merry Merry Christmas to you and the family!
Ok excellent -- I will prepare the files as you need including the source files should you have any change.
Total amount for the banner: $30
However as you mentioned you had a few more you would like to do, so please give me...
Hey @Chris C take a look at the amended in a more cursive rounded font.
If this is still not spot on feel free to share images, links to fonts more geared towards your desired output!
I look forward to hearing your feedback!
Hey @Chris C sounds absolutely great!
Let me round up 1 more option in a more cursive font for final review before you make your decision.
I would be happy to assist you with all the banners you need, as we work closely together I will surely adapt
more of the style you after and this should...
Hi @Chris C
Please see attached the mocked up banners.
Let me know if I followed the brief correctly, and which option stands out to you.
Please also kindly share a direct link to the forums so that I may optimise the final banner.
Im look forward to hearing from you!
Hi @Chris C
I had a look through your request. This we can do fairly quick. I will have a mockup shared shortly for review and we can discuss finer details to apply to get the visual you need!
Hi there @Tyrsson!
That is great news and we would be absolutely glad to assist you with your projects!
Yes you can get me directly on discord: #beau1989
If you have any issues, drop me your discord and I'll send through an invite.
I look forward to talking with you!