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Search results

  1. Hulk

    Happy birthday Hulk

    Happy birthday to @Hulk
  2. Hulk

    Completed Valentine's Gift - SWC

    I got a valentines gift so using it for SWC.
  3. Hulk

    Paying for blog posts

    I'm interested in seeing who's good at blog posts and what sort of rates are being charged for a post. I am happy with basically anything. The blog I am planning on doing is centered around entertainment (movies,music,gaming etc) but the odd webmaster or whatever kind of blog post would be...
  4. Hulk

    Selling XF License - Support and updates until Dec 23, 2025

    I'm selling my Xenforo license. Support and updates until Dec 23, 2025 Let me know your offers. It's just the license that is being sold :)
  5. Hulk

    Paying for posts

    Paying for posts for my forum Forum Island. Please PM me your rates.
  6. Hulk

    Forum Island – A Hub for Forum and Blog Creators [Deleted]

    This thread is for the general discussion of the item Forum Island – A Hub for Forum and Blog Creators. Please add to the discussion here.
  7. Hulk

    100 posts!

    I've just made 100 posts here! @Cedric @Cory @Cpvr Do I get cake? :D
  8. Hulk

    Chatosaur is seeking an administrator - voluntary role

    Hello I am looking at expressions of interest for an administrator for Chatosaur. Your role will be the usual admin duties that come up plus helping to brainstorm new ways to get members and to help advertise. This is a voluntary role until the forum starts to make money. While there is no...
  9. Hulk

    Completed Chatosaur - 25 threads

    This is from the wishlist offer.
  10. Hulk

    Hiring Administrator at Chatosaur - Paid role (Monthly pay $20-$30 USD Paypal)

    I am looking at expressions of interest for an administrator for Chatosaur. Your role will be the usual admin duties that come up plus helping to brainstorm new ways to get members and to help advertise. This is a paid role and will be paid each month via Paypal. It may only be $20-$30 USD a...
  11. Hulk

    Completed Chatosaur - 50 threads

  12. Hulk

    ✅ Resolved Content orders

    If I for example want the 50 threads can I state in my request that I want five people to do ten threads each or are those sorts of requests not allowed?
  13. Hulk

    Completed 10 threads & 5 posts for Chatosaur

  14. Hulk

    Chatosaur – Make new friends and explore services designed to elevate your forums, websites, and...

    This thread is for the general discussion of the link Chatosaur - Make Lasting Friendships. Please add to the discussion here.
  15. Hulk

    Completed Chatosaur

    I get 10% off for pro I think?
  16. Hulk

    General PhpBB

    The software I started with when it came to downloadable software. I hated when I had to put the code in myself in all the files as half the time I would mess up something and break something. I find it cool how it's just a drag and drop process for the add-ons now. PhpBB would be my second...
  17. Hulk


    Hey Hulk is here.
  18. Hulk


    Hey New here :D
  19. Hulk

    Your costs for your forum/site

    Do you think your costs for your forum/site are manageable and how much of the costs do you get back from user upgrades and stuff members/advertisers pay for and how much/percentage of it is out of your own pocket?
  20. Hulk

    Social Media

    Do you think social media helps with building content? What social media do you use for your forum/site?