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  1. Shawn Gossman

    Forum closure due to technical issue

    Have you ever had such a bad technical experience that you closed down a forum or website because of it? If so, tell us about it. Here's my story. I recently installed Mediawiki on my server to make my own Wiki site for an outdoor brand. I forgot to add anti-spam edits. The other day I had...
  2. Shawn Gossman

    General How many platforms have you used? Why did you leave them?

    How many forum software platforms and hosting services have you used for all of your forum experience? List them all in a reply - but don't submit it yet. Under each one, tell us why you left it to use another platform.
  3. Shawn Gossman

    Moderation Could you do it by yourself?

    Could you run your forum by yourself without any moderators? Or do you have to have help? Seriously consider this question. If you could never get help, could you take on the full task of running all aspects of your forum no matter how big it gets? If yes, justify your answer. If no, tell us...
  4. Shawn Gossman

    Strategy Hard-working forum owners

    Most of us who have been running forums for a long time know that growing them isn't and will never be an overnight process. It takes work. Hard work. Sometimes you have to bust your butt to make a forum work. When you do this, and it starts to all come together, how does it make you feel...
  5. Shawn Gossman

    Post Exchange Wanted (General Forum)

    Looking for a post-exchange. You pick the amount :) Off Topic Forum
  6. Shawn Gossman

    Dream Domain Names

    Do you have any dream domain names? These are domain names that are taken that you'd love to have but you know you'll never have them, mainly because you'd have to go into debt to pay for them LOL. I'm not taking about or something like that here. I'm talking about a domain name...
  7. Shawn Gossman

    General What are your top 3 best and worst (forum features)?

    Based on the forum software that you use... What top 3 features are your favorite? Why are they your favorite? What top 3 features are your least favorite or features you think are useless? Why do you think that about them? I'm very interested in seeing what you all have to say here.
  8. Shawn Gossman

    Engagement Why are you not active on your forum?

    I see a lot of forum owners who are not active on their forums. Some of them are even members of this forum. My question to them is: Why are you not active on your forum? My question to everyone is: Do you think forum owners need to always be active on their forum no matter the size or...
  9. Shawn Gossman

    Strategy Day 1 of launching your forum

    What does/did day one of launching your forum look like? You just launched your forum. What do you do on day one? Are you focusing on content creation or marketing? Maybe both? What does the first day of a forum launch look like for you?
  10. Shawn Gossman

    General Annoying things about other forums

    As a forum owner visiting a forum that doesn't belong to you, what are some annoying things about other forums or pet peeves that you have? Do you give feedback about these things to the forum owner, or do you keep it to yourself?
  11. Shawn Gossman

    What's the last domain your purchased?

    What's the last domain name you purchased, and what do you plan to use it for? was mine. I bought it to use as a redirect to my off topic forum.
  12. Shawn Gossman

    Customization Does a shoutbox kill a forum?

    Do you think a shoutbox, chat box, or chat room feature is a good way to kill a forum? Many times these features are said to take away from forums. Do you agree with this? Vote and reply!
  13. Shawn Gossman

    Engagement Do you like doing post exchanges?

    Post exchanges are a great way to get new content and member engagement on a forum. The question isn't about whether you do them or not; it's more geared toward those who already do post-exchanges. Do you like to do them? Or do you try to focus on getting them done so that you can be done with it?
  14. Shawn Gossman

    Moderation Necroposting

    How do you feel about members necroposting? Necroposting is when a member replies to an old topic. These topics typically haven't had a post in over a long period, like a year or more. Do you allow something like this? If you don't allow it, how do you justify not allowing it? What does it hurt?
  15. Shawn Gossman

    General Managing a General Community

    For those of you who manage or have managed a general forum, how do you stay focused on keeping it active and engaged? I just started my own off topic forum this year. It's been growing fairly well, and we have daily discussions, but sometimes, I lack the motivation to keep each section active...
  16. Shawn Gossman

    The Hiking Forum

    This thread is for the general discussion of the item The Hiking Forum. Please add to the discussion here.
  17. Shawn Gossman

    Blogging Collective [Deleted]

    This thread is for the general discussion of the item Blogging Collective. Please add to the discussion here.
  18. Shawn Gossman

    General Suicide and Self-Harm Threats

    I've seen this a few times. Members of a forum who are depressed or undergoing some form of mental health crisis. They threaten to kill or harm themselves. Many will do this in the open forum. Some may be faking it for attention, but there is always a chance they are not. How do you, as a...
  19. Shawn Gossman

    Foundation Requiring Strong Passwords

    How do you all feel about requiring that your forum members have strong passwords? How about enabling features such as mandatory 2FA logins? (Two-Factor) How about for staff members, especially those who can get into your admin control panels? Do you think more forum admins need to take...
  20. Shawn Gossman

    vBAdmins Forum

    This thread is for the general discussion of the item vBAdmins Forum. Please add to the discussion here.