It's very essential to have a mentor who can guide you on your freelance journey. Having mentor can be invaluable for freelancers as there are lots of benefits to enjoy.
Share your experiences with mentorship as a freelancer.
A lot of people do not know that freelancing comes with great responsibility.
For me, I make it a point of duty to maintain high ethical standards in my work. It's very crucial for freelancers to put into considerations the ethical standards in freelancing to build trust.
Share your...
Freelancing is very rewarding, there is no doubt about that but it can be very stressful especially if you encounter difficulties along the line. That's why I try to develop strategies for managing stress and for maintaining a healthy work-life balance.
How do you deal with burnout as a...
I make sure to have clear and open communication with my clients. It has helped me build strong relationships with them and it really paid off..
What are your tips for effective client communication?
Finding your freelance niche can be a challenging task for freelancers, but we need to know that it's very essential for building a very successful career. You need to acquaint yourself with the tips for identifying your unique strengths and interests because it's instrumental in finding the...
I find online courses a great way to learn new things and stay updated with the industry trends. I used Coursera more often to expand my knowledge.
What are your favorite online platforms or courses for freelancers?
There are a lot of reasons why I need to have a solid freelance agreement with my clients because it's very crucial for freelancing.
The good thing is, It protects me and my client as I make sure to outline expectations, terms and conditions in the agreement
I take this very seriously because...
I find upselling has a great way to boost my income and provide even more value to my clients. And I have also read a lot of success stories on upselled services.
What I found to be effective in boosting my income is building strong relationships with clients and truly understanding their...
Personally , I love hearing Freelance Success Stories because it's been a great learning experience for me. They reminds me that success is possible, no matter what I've been through. There are so much to learn right from finding the right niche, to building loyal client bases.
I like to get...
Based on what I read about saving for retirement without a 9-to-5 job, it can be very tricky. A lot of freelancers were able to deal with the situation by adopting automated savings. I. View of this, you need to set up a SEP-IRA or Solo 401(k) and watch your funds grow.
A freelancer should...
Based on what I read about saving for retirement without a 9-to-5 job, it can be very tricky. A lot of freelancers were able to deal with the situation by adopting automated savings. In View of this, you need to set up a SEP-IRA or Solo 401(k) and watch your funds grow.
A freelancer should...
In my case, it is the teddy bear that I used to carry as a child. I still have him on my bed till date. It's crazy hun! 🤣 What's the most nostalgic thing you own?
Do you guys believe in karma? For me, I have always had faith in karma, I was of the opinion that anything that you do to people is surely going to come back you. So, this is the reason I do attempt to live my life by following this rule. I try to be kind to other people as much as I can and...
What do you think is the weirdest thing a person would do? For me, it's skydiving. Well, this sounds insane but I just want to go there, do it and see the beautiful scenery. Share yours!
What do you think is the best gift that one can give or received from another person. For me, the memorable and special gift that I received from my brother was a car. What about you?
With the rate at which the SpaceX and NASA are advancing in technology, I think it is no longer a question of if it’ll happen, but we should be talking about when it will happen. So, in your opinion, do you think that the world will ever come to a stage where we will be occupying other planets?
I heard about a man who actually gave one of his kidneys to a stranger and that actually led to 10 other individuals donating their organs to the needy patients as well. It was inspiring to see people who will sacrifice a part of them for the betterment of the society. I never forgot that story.
If I could go through one typical day of my life, I’d prefer you to go through the day I went to the beach when I was young with my family. I had a great time with sand activitiee, we even build tiny houses with it. I can't also forget splashing in the water and the most interesting of them all...
I really like the community I grew up in because we always watch each other’s back. This community consists of people who don’t only know their neighbors but are in some way engaged in so many things. Do you like something special about the town where you grew up?