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  1. Completed Valentines Gift

    1 V-Day gift I think this is how you use it? 🤔
  2. Implemented Implement a good trader system

    Right now, I just updated my profile info with a seller rating for @Eclipse, but it shows up in my postbit. I've also done $2000~ worth of business with someone else (to remain unnamed at this time) who might want to exchange feedback. Trading feedback is integral if you want a market that...
  3. Nicknames now allowed on Facebook

    Looks like using real names in groups (arguably their solution to "forums") isn't popular, so they introduced anonymous posting (unsure when that came about, but I know it was a few years ago)... now they're introducing nicknames. The progression from real names in groups to being able to post...
  4. XF Down? End of the world!

  5. Is a blog really just a forum with other users unable to post "new threads"?

    Shower thought. Surely, internet boards came first...

    This thread is for the general discussion of the link ROFLMAO. Please add to the discussion here.
  7. XenForo Do you use XFES/Elasticsearch?

    Are you using XFES/Elasticsearch and why or why not? With all the faults I found in it so far, I can't believe that I lived without it for so long. It helps tremendously in not getting duplicate threads when necessary (a new thread on the same topic just a week later, not the same topic...
  8. Completed Logo design with a social logo/(fav)icon for ROFLMAO

    Looking to order a simple logo with the text "ROFLMAO". It should incorporate the 🤣 emoji in it as either the first or 2nd O, but not use anyone's iteration or design of the ROFL for copyright purposes (a rendition of your own version of the ROFL emoji). Or, the emoji before ROFLMAO (🤣...
  9. Feedback Do you react/reply to someone that you know personally?

    To me, it kind of feels fake to interact with someone that I know in person over a forum. Say the guy makes a joke, and he shared it with me first. I already had my reaction to it with him. It feels fake to then again, try and recreate that authentic reaction on the forum when he makes it...