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Search results

  1. Nebulous

    DC vs Marvel

    Do you prefer DC or Marvel movies and shows?
  2. Nebulous

    Middle Name

    Do you like your middle name and if you could would you change it?
  3. Nebulous


    Have you ever been in danger? What is the most dangerous thing you’ve done? Which parts of our lives are the most dangerous? Do you do things in your life to avoid danger?
  4. Nebulous

    Imaginary Friends

    Did you ever have an imaginary friend as a child (or maybe you still do)? What was their name? When did you stop interacting with or believing in them? Do you think imaginary friends are a good thing or a bad thing?
  5. Nebulous

    dark humor?

    Do you enjoy dark humor? Why do you think people sometimes want to joke about topics like death?
  6. Nebulous

    Intentionally broken the law?

    Have you ever intentionally broken the law? When, where, and how?
  7. Nebulous

    Nebulous dropping in!

    Hi everyone! Just wanted to pop in and check this place out. Glad to be here. Looking forward to chatting with everyone around the forum.
  8. Nebulous

    public transportation in your city?

    How do people treat each other on public transportation in your city? For example, do people give up their seats to people who need them?
  9. Nebulous

    Nebulous dropping in!

    Hi everyone! Just wanted to pop in and check this place out. Glad to be here. Looking forward to chatting with everyone around the forum.