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  1. Arantor

    Foundation What Hasn't Been An Forum Subject/project yet?

    Indiana Jones is what happens when George Lucas isn't allowed to make a James Bond film (no, really, he tried to get the rights and the rights holders were like... no)
  2. Arantor

    Foundation What Hasn't Been An Forum Subject/project yet?

    I bet you most of these have been done at some time or another; there was an era where forums were pretty much the only general site building tool. Though the more specific the niche, the smaller the target demographic.
  3. Arantor

    How often do you change your smartphone?

    Truth be told the only reason I even bought an iPhone is because I was in the market for a new job, and I lived in a property at the time that had bad wifi signal, and my old Nokia PureView couldn't do wifi-assist calling.
  4. Arantor

    Moderation Staff to Member Ratio: What's yours?

    I don't think it really matters, I think what matters more is number of moderators vs number of active posts - you can have a member base in 6 figures but if you don't have more than 50 posts a day you don't need hundreds of moderators.
  5. Arantor

    General Wordpress VS WP Engine

    There's been a level of 'but he controls WordPress' and no-one ever wanted to push him that far out of fear what he might do because he is a firmly entitled individual. This time, though, he picked on someone who can fight back and whose capacity to fight back actually has teeth. The rocket is...
  6. Arantor

    What's the last domain your purchased?

    I mentioned Legend of the Red Dragon (LORD) recently and its descendant, Legend of the Green Dragon - recently.
  7. Arantor

    How often do you change your smartphone?

    I've owned 4 phones, total, since 2002. Two dumb phones, two smart phones. I'm coming up on 4 years on my iPhone, and I see zero reason to change it at this point all the time it's still getting security updates.
  8. Arantor

    General Wordpress VS WP Engine

    In other news, Matt is so upset by this court injunction that the community Slack instance for community discussions... he's ragequit it. It was all fine when other people were giving you free labour and you were parasitically exploiting it, of course.
  9. Arantor

    In case you have not heard. Php is dead.

    It's been a meme for a number of years now that PHP is dead, no-one's using it, and that you should move to whatever framework is popular this month (this week?) in primarily Node. The fact that Node isn't currently powering either 40+% of the web in the form of WordPress or powering some of...
  10. Arantor

    General Wordpress VS WP Engine

    The thing is, ClassicPress has admirably demonstrated why forking doesn't work in practical terms, so then you start looking at 'other CMSes' which by definition has to include the full weight of the ecosystem. And that's something a lot of the projects currently going at this haven't...
  11. Arantor

    General Wordpress VS WP Engine

    Yes and no. The reality is that in the event of Automattic collapsing, someone will pick up the pieces. Probably someone like WPEngine, maybe a coalition of WPEngine, Kinsta and a few other of the more specialised WP hosts. It's also not like there aren't other CMS options out there. Drupal...
  12. Arantor

    General Wordpress VS WP Engine

    We shall see what comes next but it’s fair to say that Matt (head of WP) has history for being a petulant man child. Trouble is, he’s a petulant man child with access to a significant amount of money. I expect him to comply with the court’s ruling (he has 72 hours) but give it till just after...
  13. Arantor

    General Wordpress VS WP Engine

    tl:dr; WP want WPE to give them a ton of cash, and did a variety of things that were hurting WPE. The court has now told WP to pack it in and return the access etc to WPE back to how it was before it kicked off. The back and forth has included WP hijacking the popular ACF plug-in (including the...
  14. Arantor

    General Wordpress VS WP Engine

    Very few things are genuinely too big to fail, as 2008 proved very conclusively. (Much of what 2008 proved is that there are things that are too big to be allowed to fail, which is a different thing entirely) WordPress's main issues here stem from single points of failure which were fine all...
  15. Arantor

    Reddit begins testing AI-powered answers feature to win more users

    A thing no-one wanted, a thing no-one needs but a thing everyone is now stuck with.
  16. Arantor

    General Wordpress VS WP Engine

    The injunction is a pretty comprehensive smackdown of everything Matt has done to this point.
  17. Arantor

    What's the best VPN you've used?

    No major issues with ExpressVPN here.
  18. Arantor

    What’s annoying you today?

    You know it ;)
  19. Arantor

    Tools Cross Browser Compatability in Design

    It's not even that simple, unfortunately. My understanding is that it's actually defaulting to the system preference which depends not only on the browser but also potentially the operating system. For example, I found on Windows 10 that all websites on all browsers would default to light...
  20. Arantor

    What’s annoying you today?

    People that can't accept when they're wrong in the face of evidence, and that keep arguing in spite of that, to the point they're just tilting at windmills.