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  1. Ravenfreak

    Paid or Free Theme

    I often go with paid themes for my forums, well at least with the forums using premium software. As for the forums I use free software, I just go with a free theme.
  2. Ravenfreak

    General Forums

    Interesting, I see you went with Discourse instead of Invision this time around. Any particular reason why? Just curious is all! Good luck with your forum!
  3. Ravenfreak

    Hello From Christchurch New Zealand

    Hi Thomas welcome to Administrata! I hope you enjoy your stay here with us!
  4. Ravenfreak

    Reddit is now falling in Google search

    Some subs have automods that will delete comments from accounts that have little to no karma unfortunately. I remember when I first joined back in 2013 I was a bit discouraged and wondered how I was going to get a lot of karma to participate in more subs. Turns out luck I guess was on my side...
  5. Ravenfreak

    When a troublesome ex-mod reapplies?

    It depends on what they did to get fired in the first place. If they compromised my site in some way, they will definitely be placed on a no rehire list. If they did it because of lack of activity, I would consider rehiring them but place them on a probation period in order to be sure they'll...
  6. Ravenfreak

    Community Chat Thread

    Good afternoon everyone! I only get today off of work, until next weekend. My work will be shut down on Saturday and Monday, so we get a three day weekend. It's rough having one day off of work though, I barely get time to do anything. :\ I have a feeling this is going to be a long week too...
  7. Ravenfreak

    ForumSpark - Host your forum for free.

    I am super happy to see that ForumSpark is returning again! I was happy to see Jamie promoting it a year or so ago, and was a bit sad to see the project get abandoned. I'll definitely be keeping an eye out on this again!
  8. Ravenfreak

    Rebranding and Merging: The Hot Trend in Communities?

    Thee Zone was a merger of three of my existing communities so I think merging and rebranding can really help a community out! It is interesting that a few different communities have done this within the past month or so, perhaps seeing it happen often is giving the same idea for other admins and...
  9. Ravenfreak

    Could collaboration be the key to making forums busy and thriving again?

    I don't think everyone would be on board with this idea. You'd have people wanting their own community with their own rules and might not like the approach taken by the staff on this one mega forum. I get the concept is good on paper, but I just don't see it working out.
  10. Ravenfreak

    LA’s inferno

    It's sad to see what's going on in California right now. Then you have my part of the country getting winter storms, it's crazy.
  11. Ravenfreak

    SEO Human Content VS AI Content

    I prefer unique content written by humans. AI is a powerful tool of course, but to me nothing beats content written by a human without the help of AI prompts. I believe it's much better for SEO as well,
  12. Ravenfreak

    Community Chat Thread

    Good afternoon everyone! I got to leave work early today since we ran out of work to do. The mail didn't run today in honor of Jimmy Carter, and my work relies on the post office. So worked whatever trays of mail we had, and since we had compliance courses to take some people worked on them. I...
  13. Ravenfreak

    Dream Domain Names

    I'd love to purchase, but I definitely can't afford it. I used to own the domain, but let it expire and someone else has it now.
  14. Ravenfreak

    Engagement Really active member(s) during slow period

    I don't get annoyed, even if it's just small responses it makes me happy to see others post around my forum.
  15. Ravenfreak

    Strategy Day 1 of launching your forum

    I usually always try to get some more content on launch day, then I worry about the SEO portion of running a site. You must have engaging content before you can launch your forum.
  16. Ravenfreak

    Community Chat Thread

    I was going to say, you folk down south usually don't get much snow. My wife's aunt lives in Dallas, makes me wonder if her cousin who's in high school will be out of school because of the storm. Thankfully when I worked at Walmart, I never had this happen. About the closest thing that happened...
  17. Ravenfreak

    Have you taken any breaks from being an admin?

    I took breaks due to burnout. There was a time I went years without having a forum. This was in the mid 2010's. I would get discouraged that my forums weren't really growing so instead of looking at ways to promote them and get more activity, I just gave up on them.
  18. Ravenfreak

    Delegation What tasks do you reserve for yourself?

    I like to create new subforums, on Gex Forums my co admin takes care of the theme stuff since he's more familiar with that. On Thee Zone I delete and lock threads since I don't have moderators. I do have a co admin, though she's not too active and she did help bring some new ideas to the forum.
  19. Ravenfreak

    Leadership Administrating while drunk (definitely not recommended)

    I hardly ever drink and when I do I don't really get online much at all. I can imagine some people make a fool of themselves when they're drinking, and I bet someone out there broke something on their website while drunk before too. :P
  20. Ravenfreak

    Community Chat Thread

    Yikes that reminds me of the ice storm we got in 2007. We were without power for a few days and I remember being bundled up underneath my blanket, my parents did the same thing. We have power thankfully. When we were staying in German Town, the lights were flickering in our hotel room because...