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Search results

  1. meetdilip

    Graphics Shop

    Thought would do a web banner
  2. meetdilip

    Graphics Shop

    3D wallpaper based on logo
  3. meetdilip

    MyBB or PhpBB

    Both phpBB and MyBB are focusing on security updates these days. MyBB 3.0 has been in talks for at least 5 years now. Almost the same for phpBB 4.0. The last time I checked, the 4.0 default theme on GitHub was very stagnent.
  4. meetdilip

    Graphics Shop

    Thanks :)
  5. meetdilip

    Graphics Shop

    With Santa Hat ;)
  6. meetdilip

    Graphics Shop

    Drew @Jay™ 's favourite sheep in 3D ;)
  7. meetdilip

    MyBB or PhpBB

    Both are awesome software, but both dead now, in my opinion.
  8. meetdilip

    Paid User Upgrades

    Nothing, I try to keep my forum as selfless as possible.
  9. meetdilip

    Graphics Shop

    a 3D scene
  10. meetdilip

    Graphics Shop

    And some great friends too 👑
  11. meetdilip

    Graphics Shop

    You are awesome!! Having a taste for good stuff is also important :)
  12. meetdilip

    Graphics Shop

    Thanks Jay :) I have been into videos since some time. Can do Reels videos, cartoons, simple animations etc
  13. meetdilip

    Graphics Shop

    Glad you like it!!
  14. meetdilip

    Graphics Shop

    Perhaps something different!
  15. meetdilip

    Graphics Shop

    Thanks @Crystal @Jay™ 👑
  16. meetdilip

    Graphics Shop

    Christmas theme
  17. meetdilip

    Graphics Shop

    FR themed smilies
  18. meetdilip

    Graphics Shop

    Thanks :D
  19. meetdilip

    Graphics Shop

    Thanks :)
  20. meetdilip

    Graphics Shop

    What do you think?