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  1. Ravenfreak

    Team Building My Staff Is Super Lazy – What should I do?

    I have dealt with this in the past. I reached out to the moderator who went inactive, and he never replied to my message. So I demoted him. I get it life can be stressful at times and you might need a break. I did give the guy a week to respond and since he never did, I figured he just got bored...
  2. Ravenfreak

    Reddit plans to lock some content behind a paywall this year, CEO says

    I bet lots of people aren't going to be happy with this. I don't get why they need to do this when the site already generates tons of money via ads and those who purchase coins or premium membership contribute to the site too. Maybe more people will start using forums again because of this. :P...
  3. Ravenfreak

    Article Duplicate Content - The Negative Effect on SEO

    This is a great article, I always thought it wouldn't really hurt my SEO if I was to post content on my forum that's been posted elsewhere. I always thought it would help since it would bring traffic from Google whenever someone would search for whatever topic it was.
  4. Ravenfreak

    Leadership Staff Selection - What's Your Process?

    What I like to do when hiring staff is take a look and see how active the members are who filled out the staff application. If they're quite active, haven't asked to be staff in the past and have no infractions I will most likely hire them. If they aren't that active, begged to be staff or have...
  5. Ravenfreak

    General Ever ran your own wiki?

    I currently have one going right now, but I'll admit I haven't really been keeping up with creating new pages or updating the theme on it. It's a forum wiki dedicated for documenting any and every forum software, whether it's still around or not. It's powered by Mediawiki because I think it's...
  6. Ravenfreak

    What is the most awkward question someone has asked you?

    None yet, been trying to save up for top surgery. I have been medically transitioning since 2020 however.
  7. Ravenfreak

    Foundation Is there a particular part of forum building that excites you?

    I love coming up with sub forums for a community, this is probably my favorite part other than keeping engagement with the community. It's fun coming up with names and figuring out how you want your layout to be. I tend to always put the most important sections like the forum news and rules up...
  8. Ravenfreak

    Community Chat Thread

    I too feel like I'm coming down with something, I've been feeling this since Monday evening. My throat has been hurting and my nose has been running. I am not running a fever, so I know it's not Covid again but it's probably just your run of the mill Rhinovirus. (A basic cold.) I'll take it over...
  9. Ravenfreak

    What is the most awkward question someone has asked you?

    I used to get coworkers asking me personal questions about my transition. They would ask what surgeries I was going to get if I was getting any. I didn't really mind answering these questions because they were curious and wanted to learn and I knew it wasn't coming from a place of malice but...
  10. Ravenfreak

    General Reaching a targeted audience on social media.

    I didn't always struggle with this, in fact Mighty No. 9 Universe took off because I tweeted about the community and many people joined the forum from there. In fact, that's where my co admin ended up seeing the link at! These days for all my other forums I've struggled to get people to join...
  11. Ravenfreak

    Engagement What's easier, reviving a long dead forum or starting a new one?

    I think it's easier to try and bring back a dead forum from the grave than starting from scratch. You already have things laid out and set up if you're bringing back one from the dead. Though I've tried this recently, and even though I sent out a mass email no one came back. I'm debating on if...
  12. Ravenfreak

    Which forums are you mostly active on?

    I visit this one, Forum Promotion, my own, Admin Junkies, and Sonic Retro almost every day. (I don't post on Sonic Retro as much as I did, but I do browse. Once I have something interesting to share with the hacking community or something to contribute to the conversations then I'll post there.)
  13. Ravenfreak

    General Tumblr to join the fediverse after WordPress migration completes

    I read about this earlier today on Reddit. It's interesting, I believe the Fediverse already has their own version of Tumblr but this is a good thing because Tumblr is pretty big. Maybe this will get more people interested in the Fediverse and move to different platforms other than the big ones.
  14. Ravenfreak

    Foundation Shutting Down a forum

    Yeah I've shut down too many forums in the past. I didn't have the drive to try and get more members, or keep activity going on the forums. I gave up on them way too fast.
  15. Ravenfreak

    General Besides Wordpress, what other blogging software do you like?

    I prefer Joomla to Wordpress myself. I find the ACP easier to navigate and it's much easier to install plugins and post articles. I've tried using Drupal in the past but I didn't really care for it. Never tried any of the other platforms mentioned but I've tried php Nuke in the past and liked it...
  16. Ravenfreak

    Engagement Do you get more motivated when your members post?

    Absolutely, it's nice when members start posting because you don't seem crazy just replying to yourself all the time. :P Of course it's good to add content when your members aren't online, but it can get lonely if you're the only one posting.
  17. Ravenfreak

    As Internet enshittification marches on, here are some of the worst offenders

    This article really does a great job summarizing how much the internet has been going downhill and technology in general. I like how they mention Windows 11 and brought up that all the issues people are having with 11 was going on in 10. I can tell you I've had way more issues with Windows 10...
  18. Ravenfreak

    Completed Valentine's Gift - SWC

    Your order has now been completed! Thank you for using the Administrata Content Service. The credits for this order will be deducted from your account shortly. We’d Love Your Feedback! We hope you’re satisfied with your order! Once you’ve had a chance to review the completed package, we’d...
  19. Ravenfreak

    Meta staff torrented nearly 82TB of pirated books for AI training — court records reveal copyright violations

    I really hope Meta is found guilty of piracy, but money talks. I can only hope this lawsuit will cost them lots of money, and hopefully that money causes their platforms to eventually fall due to the company having to make changes in order to keep afloat.
  20. Ravenfreak

    Design Design Choice and Customer Engagement

    Honestly when it comes to video games, graphics don't make or break a game for me. Websites on the other hand is another thing. I look for gameplay, story, and music before I care about graphics with games. Websites to me should look appealing however, a good theme that fits the niche of the...