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  1. Ravenfreak

    Foundation How do you build a community from scratch with limited resources?

    I started my most successful forum on free hosting! Well eventually we did move to self hosting, since my co admin couldn't fully edit the theme since our host limited what we could edit even when we did pay for their premium service. It was powered by phpBB 3 at first, and I got lots of members...
  2. Ravenfreak

    Conflicts Have you ever lost your temper as a staff member?

    I've gone off on a staff member once, I sent her a private message and demoted her because she messed up the theme on my forum. I was rude in a nice way at least, I didn't call her any names but I was quite firm in my private message.
  3. Ravenfreak


    Hi Guy I've missed you! I'm glad to see you're back into forums again! I hope you're doing well, welcome to Administrata!
  4. Ravenfreak

    General Changing Your Community Software

    I didn't have any issues merging the three thankfully. The converters really have come a long way, they work well. I merged VG Challenges into Rikaji. Then Battlebots Nation and Rikaji to create Thee Zone. One of the admins did reach out to me but it's been almost a month since they've updated...
  5. Ravenfreak

    General How long does it take for you to know a forum software?

    I have no styling skills myself, I've only attempted to make my own style for Invisionfree once but I just don't have the patience for it. As for learning my way around the ACP, it doesn't take me too long these days to get used to a new piece of software. When I first got into forums, I...
  6. Ravenfreak

    General Changing Your Community Software

    I've done this a few times. Thee Zone was originally three forums, and each forum was on a different software! I wanted to merge them together since they had similar niches, VG Challenges was on Xenforo, Battlebots Nation was on SMF, and Rikaji was on vBulletin. Thee Zone is now on the latest...
  7. Ravenfreak

    Happy birthday Hulk

    Happy birthday to my good friend @Hulk!
  8. Ravenfreak

    Leadership Is Over-Engagement by Leaders Seen as Desperation?

    I don't believe it screams desperation. I think it's a good thing that staff is posting daily, it shows that they care for their community but I don't see desperation. Unless if the quality of the content they were posting was a bit lacking, maybe one line posts then I could possibly see it as...
  9. Ravenfreak

    Is managing more than one forum too much?

    It depends on the person. There are people who are capable of managing more than one forum, but not everyone can. You need to be able to focus on each one and make sure none of them fall behind. If you do get overwhelmed, your best bet would be to see if another person could take over or merge...
  10. Ravenfreak

    Roblox Forum | Discussions and Development

    I really like this community! It's much better than any Guilded server or Discord server for that matter. Best of luck with your community!
  11. Ravenfreak

    Moderation What do you expect from a moderator?

    Moderators should help admins by keeping the community running smoothly from a user's standpoint. If there's any trouble going on between members a moderator should take reasonable action to help resolve any problems. They should also contribute to the community by adding engaging conversations...
  12. Ravenfreak

    Foundation Sidebars - Yes or No?

    I think sidebars are fine, they can easily display important information about your forum. They can also be an effective way to show ads too, and can help other communities if their links are in sidebars on other communities. As long as it's not too cluttered of course.
  13. Ravenfreak

    Who is your favorite leader?

    Both Trump and Putin are terrible leaders. Obama was the best president we had in my lifetime so I would go with him.
  14. Ravenfreak

    Delegation Letting staff go - How and when should you do it?

    I always go straight to sending staff a private message if I see that they're inactive or haven't been keeping up with their job. Communication is key for any relationship, doesn't have to be a romantic one! It's tough letting go of staff regardless if they've been staff for a while or just a...
  15. Ravenfreak

    General Non-Forum Communities

    I have a large Facebook group dedicated to talking about This Is Dan Bell, a Youtuber from Baltimore who films abandoned buildings, dying malls, and used to inspect hotel rooms and document just how nasty lower rated hotels are. He even is a member in the group too and there's thousands of...
  16. Ravenfreak

    Currently in the process of backing up my websites hosted on Ionos and I have over 25,000 files...

    Currently in the process of backing up my websites hosted on Ionos and I have over 25,000 files downloaded. Most of them are from Joomla. :V I only have three websites hosted on Ionos.
  17. Ravenfreak

    Staff Changes & Announcements

    Welcome to the team @InMyOpinion! Congratulations on your promotion!
  18. Ravenfreak

    Archive Forum

    This is a interesting take on a forum. I usually think of wikis when it comes to storing information. I also would have gone with self hosting rather than using Forumotion myself.