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  1. Nomad

    Completed Valentine Gift: Content Request for Medical Marketing

    If you are new, please add intro and avatar
  2. Nomad

    Completed Valentine Gift: Content Request for Off Topicz

    If you are new, please add avatar and intro
  3. Nomad

    Completed Marketing Forums

    Can you please add avatar and intro topic.
  4. Nomad

    Completed Marketing Forums

    You have 9 posts, I suppose you tagged for 10 posts. :D Also please add avatar and introduction topic.
  5. Nomad

    Staff Changes & Announcements

    Hello @Matthew welcome to the team
  6. Nomad

    Leadership What makes someone a bad community owner?

    I agree with all of these points and I would like to add few more: Sending too many emails, or promotional messages. I do not like it when the owner sends too many emails and messages. Being demanding about posting. I do not like the owners who ask to contribute too much. I do not like to be...
  7. Nomad

    Growth Adding staff to your forums

    As your forum grows and you start having a lot of members and activities you need staff, however, the problem with having staff is you they are hard to find. Therefore, you might end up having someone who is a staff on multiple forums, or someone who is not good enough to help you.
  8. Nomad

    Completed Off Topicz

    The best one is of course 5 users with 10 post each, however, it looks like we do not have 5 active users for content team, so I can accept 2-3 users. Introduction rule was for a new user. :D
  9. Nomad

    Completed Marketing Forums

    Post anywhere except off topic section. If it is possible, I would like to have 5 users making 10 posts each, but if that is not happening, I will take 2-3 users.
  10. Medical Marketing Forum

    Medical Marketing Forum

    Medical Marketing Forum is a Digital Marketing and SEO discussion forum. You can earn and share about search engine optimization and internet marketing.
  11. Nomad

    Medical Marketing Forum

    This thread is for the general discussion of the item Medical Marketing Forum. Please add to the discussion here.
  12. Off Topicz

    Off Topicz

    Off Topicz is a 20 years old general discussion forum that is still actively maintained.
  13. Nomad

    Off Topicz

    This thread is for the general discussion of the link Off Topicz. Please add to the discussion here.
  14. Nomad

    Completed Off Topicz

    If you already have an account, you can use the same account.
  15. Nomad

    Strategy Hard-working forum owners

    I have never been able to grow big so I don't know how it feels but having some members and regular activities on the forum you have worked hard to build certainly makes me happy.
  16. Nomad

    Completed 20 Threads + 80 Posts for jCodes

    I have completed my part
  17. Nomad

    Completed Threads and Posts for New Forum

    I have completed my part