I don't like them even though I am using it on a forum I co-own and also on a forum I manage. However, I can justify the use of AI bots on some sections. It can keep the discussion lively for a certain category.
I once shut down my forum. I had no intention to shut it down but someone offered me to buy the domain (only the domain and not the website) for a good price. After I sold the domain, I shut down the forum for almost a year and then brought back a few months ago.
Currently, I am managing 8 forums. Since I am doing this as a full time job, and I get paid for managing forums, I am handling the forum managing jobs well. No complains have been lodged so far. Once I was running 3 forums of my own and I was also running them well even though only one of them...
I prefer to do it on my own. Well, I am certainly not an expert but I have been doing SEO for over 10 years and I have managed to get some good results. I think it is better to spend money to learn SEO instead of hiring someone do to SEO. Hiring someone to do SEO is not a viable method if you...
@InMyOpinion I understand what you mean. Post exchange does not give you genuinely interested member, they will be posting as long as you are posting on their forums. These days there are a lot of platforms where people can interact, engage, and share. They have multiple options, so for a forum...
Post Exchange is I post on your forum and you post on mine; I will make 10 post on yours and you will make 10 posts on mine. Apart from the person who is doing post exchange and apart from the number you have agreed, you will not get other people to post or more posts on your forum. Yes, I agree...
Well, I don't allow multiple accounts on my forums and as far as I know a lot of forum owners also do not allow multiple accounts. However, sometimes I am specifically hired to create and post through multiple accounts, therefore, I have multiple accounts on a couple of forums. When I try to...