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  1. Troutbum

    UK Online Safety Act - Forums & Chatrooms

    Those are pretty much my findings and thoughts fdk. I'm currently about half way through my risk assessment.
  2. Troutbum

    which design do you prefer?

    You might be able to find something similar to use as a base image and then add the text, by searching for Handbrake Icon?
  3. Troutbum

    Design Which software has the best default style?

    I use the current SMF default theme and I really like it. I have tweaked it a bit with CSS to give it a slightly different look, but I think we all do that, styling is fun. :)
  4. Troutbum

    UK Online Safety Act - Forums & Chatrooms

    How are you getting on with your risk assessments?
  5. Troutbum

    General Which niche do you feel is overdone in the forum world?

    Good point, it can be difficult to find the right balance, too many replies/posts by admin can actually stifle community engagement.
  6. Troutbum

    Foundation What Hasn't Been An Forum Subject/project yet?

    I didn't know that Arantor. But look at them, one has an old skool look, isn't even https, but invites me to explore. The other simply has me clicking back to Google. I'm asking myself why? Can I learn from that?
  7. Troutbum

    Foundation What Hasn't Been An Forum Subject/project yet?

    I don't think I could sit down and come up with a forum subject. I would need to be passionate about a subject first - and then think 'Would it be fun to start a forum about this?' I just tried it, and put two random subjects in Google, Indiana Jones and James Bond. I enjoy both, but am not...
  8. Troutbum

    Themes Gallery of SMF themes

    Nice one Arantor :) I used DS-Natural by DzinerStudio for a few years, loved that theme. A couple by Crip and Bloc too.
  9. Troutbum

    General What was the first forum software that you ever used?

    When I first set up my site forums weren't a thing yet and it just had a guestbook. I remember running an EZboard for a while, and I had another one like it, but once I discovered SMF I was hooked. If we are getting nostalgic ....... Who remembers sitting up all night waiting to see if the...
  10. Troutbum

    Fishing The Fly Scotland

    It's mostly about the outdoors Cedric. Here I am, about an hour's walk from the car, plenty of fresh air and exercise as I make my way round the loch enjoying a few casts, before heading back down the hill. I might see deer, otters, kingfishers, ospreys along the way ...... and the mobile is...
  11. Troutbum

    Fishing The Fly Scotland

    I have added Fishing The Fly Scotland to the directory, to go with my 'Newbie' intro. It's a pretty simple SMF forum with a few tweaks.
  12. Fishing The Fly Scotland

    Fishing The Fly Scotland

    Simply sharing our enthusiasm for fly fishing in Scotland. We went live on the web back in the mid 90s, numerous remakes and updates have followed over the years, but the ethos remains very much the same.
  13. Troutbum

    Hi folks

    Thanks for the welcome Cedric :)
  14. Troutbum

    Hi folks

    Yep, bit of a giveaway :LOL:
  15. Troutbum

    Hi folks

    Hi Folks Newbie here, although I've been reading your posts for a few weeks following a Google search for 'the future of forums'. My forum is a bit Old Skool, but I'm looking forward to learning a few tips and perhaps sharing some thoughts on any topics that I can relate to. I'm in Scotland...