Howdy guys? I'm so happy to have made it finally to this community of great minds. It feels good to be amongst you all. Looking forward to learning more and expanding my reach while contributing to the forum's growth.
I enjoy watching both horror movies and TV shows too. I love it that some horror video games are now being adapted to TV shows just like The Last of Us. I can't wait to see season 2.
The video game which I'm currently playing is Baldur's Gate 3. Since I started playing the game few months ago, I've been impressed so much and I'm trying to do my best to complete it.
If I can think of any game which I played only once and never go back to it again, it will be Burnout Paradise. It's a 2008 open world racing video game that didn't deliver for me.
Yes, I've played so much games through Facebook. It haven't been long I stopped playing Subway Surf Enoch is also linked to my Facebook where I compete with my friends online.
Yes of course. I've used them in the past. It's going to be hard for you to find any old gamer who didn't used them. I used a lot of it playing old GTA games.
I have completed the show. It was just average based on my expectations. I have already moved on from it.
I went back to rewatch The Legend of the Seeker.
It's also Spotify I'm currently using to stream all of my favorite songs. I've been asked to use YouTube music often but I can't do it because I love using Spotify. I use Netflix to stream movies and shows.
Nope, I don't watch movies every day. It's not possible for me to do that but if it's playing music every day, it's what I know that I do very well. I only watch movies every weekend because I have the time for it.
Even though I loved and enjoyed watching Game of Thrones and HOTD but after watching Shogun, it have become my favourite TV show of all time. I also watched Dark Matter recently, I loved it.
There are so many movies which I've watched over the years that I loved so much. Some of them are ; Lords of the Rings, Pirates of the Caribbean, Predator and all the Iron Man movies.
Nope, playing video games all night isn't something I would do. I can sit and watch movies or series at night but it's never going to be playing video games because I will be doing more when I play games.
I have the knowledge about how to trade both cryptocurrency and the forex market but it's something I'm not into at the moment. I've invested in cryptocurrencies which I'm holding like Bitcoin. I've seen a decent amount of profit from it since the turn of this year.
Normally, it's around 9-10 hours I sleep every night but it can get longer during the weekends especially when I don't have any emergencies that would pull me out of the house suddenly.
I already have a kid now. A little girl whom I love so much more than my own self. Everything about me revolves around her and giving her the best things in life is my number one priority right now.
Sleeping is my favourite hobby 😂 😂 😂.. Don't mind me, I'm kidding. It's watching movies and series I regard as my favourite hobbies. I love doing so other things too but these one's comes first.