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  1. ken_gitahi

    What is your education?

    I have a diploma in Pharmaceutical technology. I finished uni then went on a different path of freelancing, so now I am a web developer. Even through what I do has nothing to do with pharmacy, getting that diploma taught me how to learn, research, source information., and other crucial skills I...
  2. ken_gitahi

    What's your preferred coding language and why?

    PHP. All those legacy websites will not update themselves now, will they? Seriously, I love PHP because it can be whatever you want it to be. Want to use it to build a simple website? Tack on some HTML and CSS and get going. Want something more robust? Reach for OOP, a framework like Laravel...
  3. ken_gitahi

    Developer Snippets: Code, Laugh, Learn

    I dont care what they say...
  4. ken_gitahi

    Have you ever attempted to sell graphics you created through AI?

    I don't think doing so would be ethical. Then again, I am sure there are freelancers out there who would not care and would do it anyway.
  5. ken_gitahi

    Do you use a word processor to type up articles?

    I use Google Docs for the version control. Since the rise of Ai, one of my clients asks for the versions and I also want to follow the changes I have made, especially for large drafts that change a lot.
  6. ken_gitahi

    Tumblr to move its half a billion blogs to WordPress

    I think we will get a multi-thousand-word write-up for the changes. That will be something to read! I know it will take some time, and I am also interested to see how they do it. Half a billion blogs, all with multiple pages? Phew!
  7. ken_gitahi

    How long do you store client files?

    I have just looked, and I have client files from 2010 in my Google Drive and Dropbox folders! So, I would say the answer is indefinite. On a serious note, I try to keep client files for about 12 months after the project ends or after I stop providing support as per the contract. However, all my...
  8. ken_gitahi

    How long have you been a freelancer?

    I started freelancing around 2010 in uni for some beer money. After graduating, I found that the available jobs were paying too little, so I keep at it. I have since built a successful career as a freelancer, hopping between developing WordPress and Laravel websites for clients and handling...
  9. ken_gitahi

    Tumblr to move its half a billion blogs to WordPress

    Does this mean Tumblr blogs will now be built using PHP, or is Automattic thinking of another language stack?
  10. ken_gitahi

    What's the best method to avoid scams as a Freelancer?

    I would add, be cautious of clients asking for personal information, upfront fees, or work outside the agreed scope. The first is about identity theft, and the last two are about losing money and your work. Also, avoid very elaborate "tests" to get hired. Some clients want you to do a lot of...
  11. ken_gitahi

    Mistakes to avoid when starting a new business?

    Bringing in a partner too soon. When starting a business, you want one clear vision and direction. Brining in a partner too soon who will also provide their thoughts will muddle things and can make it more difficult to navigate those first few months that are typically the most challenging. The...
  12. ken_gitahi

    What do you not like to see in a theme?

    I hate overly complicated code. Don't get me wrong, sometimes complicated code is the only way to get the result you want. But complexity for the sake of it is something I cannot take. It creates unnecessary cognitive load for new developers, makes it difficult to expand or customize the theme...
  13. ken_gitahi

    What do you think about getting a loan to start a business?

    If you have to take a loan when starting a business, take the least amount you can, have a solid business plan, and have a plan for what to do in case things do not go as expected. Many success businesses I know were started using loans, but their owners had solid plans and had done enough...
  14. ken_gitahi

    Which payment processor is the best for you?

    Fees is a big one. Currently, PayPal takes about 4.5% of the amount I receive when you factor everything including the currency conversion. That is not too bad as I have seen some charge 10% for the same service.
  15. ken_gitahi

    Would you consider hiring freelancers for your business?

    For me, it's about doing the most with the time I have. Hiring a freelancer can help businesses complete what they need to in a shorter period because there are more hands on deck, so to say. This means they are able to do much more, which factors into their revenues and profitability. Also...
  16. ken_gitahi

    How to Handle Negative Feedback from Clients

    Being defensive, especially when the other party feels they are helping, will always lead to difficult situations. This is not to say you should not stand up for yourself, but you should know how to do so and defend yourself, and when you need to listen.
  17. ken_gitahi

    What’s a skill you think you everyone should have?

    Communication skills. Knowing how to talk to people can get you places you never thought you would go and open doors you never even thought about. A close second is general finance skills. Know how to make, save, and invest money and things will be much easier. Also, understand how money works...
  18. ken_gitahi

    Top Freelance Niches in 2024

    If you have the time, I would say go with cybersecurity. Things are about to become weird with malicious actors using Ai and machine learning to try to break systems and organizations trying to stop them. The world will need more cybersecurity experts to deal with these new types of threats, so...
  19. ken_gitahi

    What's the best place to promote your website?

    I don't quite remember the names, but we were promoting electronics (think laptops, NUCs, headphones, and the like). I am planning to start promoting there again as I have a few things I want to get traction on. Will be on the lookout for those rules because getting a post removed is a waste of...
  20. ken_gitahi

    How many hours do you sleep?

    I tend to get 6–7 hours of sleep on a typical night. However, sometimes I sleep much longer when it all catches up to me and there is nothing else I can do apart from sleep.