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  1. Arantor

    Customization Platform pain points

    The recent debates over the new XF editor and the debates over Markdown in particular also illustrate a few pain points, I think: 1) the fact that some people need to have more comprehensive control over content creation than others, and trying to homogenise to a single platform wide editor is...
  2. Arantor

    Your Most Recent Purchase

    And they arrived today.
  3. Arantor

    Besides forums: what other websites have you managed/owned?

    Sites I've owned - at one point I had a search engine for online comics that I designed and built from scratch, but it took far too much effort to maintain because of how detailed the transcriptions were (with permission, I might add). Other highlights include the travel blog me and my buddy did...
  4. Arantor

    Customization Platform pain points

    I’ll go first. It irks me no end that XF doesn't ship “ignore this node” out of the box. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a forum I read by scanning the list of boards, or by what’s new - I guarantee there are boards in there I don’t care about, and would appreciate filtering out by default from...
  5. Arantor

    Plugins Quality of MyBB plugins

    Complete lack of surprise. The platform itself is in development hell - 10 years is a long time, and there’s been limited significant movement in the core meaning plug-in devs will have moved on. We saw exactly the same thing in SMF - a good many of the plug-in authors and theme makers that...
  6. Arantor

    Conflicts The lack of feedback, and whether it is appropriate

    I do find it interesting that in all of these cases there is a dialogue, as in messages that flow both ways. Almost like explaining moderation actions is beneficial. Who’d’ve thought!
  7. Arantor

    Community Chat Thread

    I am just rolling my eyes because it’s that time again, the online game War thunder had yet another incident of leaking actual technical manuals from actual military vehicles. You’d think this would be a rare event because, y’know, countries tend not to want the actual manuals from their actual...
  8. Arantor

    Are you accepting Crypto payments

    The whole point of crypto was to avoid regulation in the first place. Even if you go back to Nakamoto’s white paper, the key point of avoiding a central trust authority is embedded at the core - if you have no central point of trust, you cannot regulate it centrally. That’s by design, not by...
  9. Arantor

    Customization Platform pain points

    If you're here, you're either running a community or looking to get into the game of running a community. That implies use of (phpBB/SMF/MyBB/XenForo/Woltlab/Invision/insert other forum platform here), and possibly something or somethings alongside it (WordPress being my obvious suspect) You...
  10. Arantor

    Design Favor using GIFs as a forum header?

    The only downside of something like that is how big the files tend to get before they start to make pages slow (and Google will penalise it from an SEO perspective)
  11. Arantor

    AI For Creating Marketing Materials

    I will be honest, this is one of the things that bothers me immensely about the collective interactions: the anthropomorphisation of the thing. It doesn't 'stay friendly', because that would imply that it understood what friendly or unfriendly meant, or indeed that it actually understood...
  12. Arantor

    AI For Creating Marketing Materials

    I had a first hand look this week at someone using it... shall we say under less than ideal circumstances. My work had a 'Christmas quiz' where the questions were sourced from ChatGPT. More than one of the questions managed to have the answer in the question, and one of the questions about a...
  13. Arantor

    Community Chat Thread

    Game Maker's Tool-Kit discussion on the 'cursed design problem' of Balatro, a few 'reading out Reddit r/MaliciousCompliance posts', someone asking a AAA dev a few interesting questions, a video essay on games that requires wikis and whether this is a design choice or not, someone trying out the...
  14. Arantor

    AI For Creating Marketing Materials

    Compared to AI generated text, yes. But I'm also going off the physical history of the word 'elevate' in textual history - it had a substantial peak in literature in the 1850s and declined significantly over time. But since it has a significant presence historically - and not so much more...
  15. Arantor

    AI For Creating Marketing Materials

    Sort of. The problem is that words like elevate are less used normally and when they are used, they're statistically 'more interesting'. AI in the GPT sense doesn't actually 'know' anything, it doesn't really have a 'dictionary' in as much as it knows that certain words statistically go...
  16. Arantor

    Community Chat Thread

    Watching random YouTube videos.
  17. Arantor

    Closed Community Wish List: Make your admin dreams come true!

    I wish for ideas on how to invigorate the community building space in 2025 with what communities need but don't have today across the existing platforms.
  18. Arantor

    New Forum Type Xenforo

    I'm also curious how this will affect SEO (not positively, I'm immediately assuming)
  19. Arantor

    Ever received a questionable PM?

    Like you needed the proof, heh.