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  1. Arantor

    Community Chat Thread

    Nah, because I’m pretty good at keeping all the content on the current iterations of device, it’s just old devices that needed wiping.
  2. Arantor

    Community Chat Thread

    It was mostly because wiping them is tedious and annoying and it was easier to put into a box and pretend not to care :P
  3. Arantor

    Community Chat Thread

    Excluding work laptops and our current laptops, there's still 2 of mine to wipe in the box and 2 of my wife's (so, we'd collected 9 in the house). Plus assorted iPads and iPhones and junk like that. (I currently have 3 iPads on charge, you can tell how old they are, they all have the old wide...
  4. Arantor

    Community Chat Thread

    I started off the new year with excitement. Well, I say excitement, but in reality I'm not sure how exciting it is. Basically my wife has been nagging me to clear out the old laptops and electronics we have because I'm a paranoid weirdo who's convinced my identity is going to get stolen etc...
  5. Arantor

    General Wordpress VS WP Engine

    The first point is interesting but ultimately a damp squib IMO. The second is vastly more important. Yes, WP is a Matt project first and foremost. You can't not price this in with your equations in terms of whether you choose to use WP or not. The problem is, Matt's - if I can be blunt about...
  6. Arantor

    xenForo Licenses For Sale

    I think the OP already sold all theirs but they can update you if not.
  7. Arantor

    My 101st

    Congrats! Though honestly I stopped looking at my post count a long time ago because I ain’t ever duplicating my OG high score.
  8. Arantor

    xenForo Licenses For Sale

    Yours from the official site for the low low price of $195. Second hand ones don’t ever go much below $150, if nothing else because they’ve lost some of their value.
  9. Arantor

    Do you own any .community forums?

    Namecheap has .community at a set price (barring the price gouging that is 'premium') which lists as £28.59, renewing at £30.17 - which will be more sensible in USD. I see .forum is now more reasonably priced than the 3-figure prices they debuted at, hah. I do own a .community, that I bought...
  10. Arantor

    General 2025 Forum Goals

    I'd love to have a meaningful 2025 goal. We shall see, things are maybe in motion.
  11. Arantor

    Design agency can create your dream project into reality

    It’s an agency of one person. While similar to being a freelancer, this is clearly about building a brand (eventually to hire more people, one assumes) rather than making it about themselves as a brand. Mind you, I have questions about a brand identity based on intentionally misspelling a...
  12. Arantor

    Happy New Year from Administrata!

    Let's make 2025 something to remember, for all the good reasons.
  13. Arantor

    Design agency can create your dream project into reality

    Why can I not find either of the case study clients online? (Also, pro tip: listing yourself as a case study in why you’re awesome is…not the best look)
  14. Arantor

    Foundation The use of AI bots on forums

    I think if you’re going to have AI on a forum, there needs to be some question of what value it brings to the forum that isn’t otherwise met. On a support board, the value proposition is a maybe-helpful but timely response. The roleplay site I’ve seen it done with, where it’s people writing...
  15. Arantor

    Case Study Day 1 Forward- Something new

    Yeah - there's a difference between 'the journey until launch' vs 'the journey after launch'.
  16. Arantor

    Communication Members That Always Complain

    Are their complaints legitimate? Ae they on topic? If they’re not on topic and it’s just a bad vibe, ask them if they’re OK. Assume that on the other end of the line is another human being with thoughts, feelings etc. and it just might be that they’re having a bad day/week/month/year. The real...
  17. Arantor

    Invision A trip down memory lane: The Evolution of Invision Community

    It’s the same thing, or was 20 years ago. All of the “InvisionFree” stuff was directly taken from IPB 1.3, the last version to offer a free edition. That came out in autumn 2004. Invision Power Services, the company, realised that having a free edition, supported by paid sales, wasn’t going to...
  18. Arantor

    Foundation The use of AI bots on forums

    I think there can be a place for bots but it’s not every community. Consider a support community where the people are asking questions and searching for answers - a bot can certainly offer a suggested answer. Depending on the question it even stands a shot at being in the right ball park. I...
  19. Arantor

    xenForo Licenses For Sale

    I think you need to have 90 days of renewal left to be able to transfer.
  20. Arantor

    General Do you tend to join/avoid sites that use a certain forum software?

    Given the lack of other major features actually being shipped, I strongly doubt this is the reason.