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  1. Arantor

    Article The Power of Pages in Invision Community for Your Online Community

    The lack of attachments are hurting though :(
  2. Arantor

    Article The Power of Pages in Invision Community for Your Online Community

    From the merge, also the attachments are missing. The updated link is otherwise
  3. Arantor

    Could collaboration be the key to making forums busy and thriving again?

    Consider also Mastodon vs BlueSky - this is in effect the same issue, decentralised everything vs centralised everything. Plenty of people will happily cede control if they don't have to manage it and just want somewhere to talk. I think we have to begin by fostering the idea that people should...
  4. Arantor

    Why did you start using forums?

    Interesting to note that Stack Overflow has had a substantial drop the last couple of years. It was already in decline before that but the last couple of years (since ChatGPT) have been more substantial. I wonder if the pendulum is about to swing back the other way (or, more accurately, how...
  5. Arantor

    SEO Human Content VS AI Content

    No worries there because AI can’t do any thinking whatsoever.
  6. Arantor

    Community Chat Thread

    I am planning my next move. Playing 4D chess on a 3D board with a 2D landscape is less than ideal.
  7. Arantor

    Engagement Do your connections from admin forums help you when starting a new forum?

    Depends on your niche. But in general, less likely in my head. Remember, the average person at an admin forum is another forum admin or adjacent. Which means unless there’s a niche overlap, post exchange or similar, or someone just going round posting the same messages everywhere (which, tbf...
  8. Arantor

    Shared, VPS or Dedicated?

    I solved part of this by not having a cPanel for the most part…
  9. Arantor

    Do you offer a dark and light mode?

    Do also note that Windows 10 doesn’t support dark mode “system default” behaviour but Windows 11 does, so the numbers will under-report. But all the programmer types have long since known that darker screens reduce eye strain - it’s something of a meme that we all gravitate by default to dark...
  10. Arantor

    Engagement Really active member(s) during slow period

    Bingo. It turns out that people don't generally want to pay money just to post unless there's some magic reason, but on a regular forum that just doesn't fly.
  11. Arantor

    Engagement Really active member(s) during slow period

    I have in all seriousness been asked previously about throttling numbers of posts per day - not because of rogue members, but people who want to limit posting per day and demand people pay to post more. Guess how successful this turns out to be…
  12. Arantor

    Engagement Really active member(s) during slow period

    There was a weekend on where in support I made 800 posts. No, that’s not a typo. Support forums have weird ebbs and flows.
  13. Arantor

    General What are your top 3 best and worst (forum features)?

    Hmm. StoryBB is weird in that the features I admire most are so niche that you’d never see them elsewhere. Most useful/valued: ability to create sub accounts with a bunch of avatars per sub account, ability to group a collection of threads together to form a timeline, ability to export that...
  14. Arantor

    Do you offer a dark and light mode?

    I think that’s actually highly subjective and depends a lot on what device you’re using as well as whether your device is set to light/dark and/or you have natural tone shifting enabled or not, and also what time of day you’re visiting. I definitely do not want to be looking at a lighter theme...
  15. Arantor

    Leadership Sudden boost of activity

    Any sensible platform lets users optout of such notifications. If not… maybe time to look at a better platform.
  16. Arantor

    Shared, VPS or Dedicated?

    Note that 'full root access' of a VPS is only partial root access - you might have near control over your part of it but that isn't full control over the server hypervisor. (e.g. you're not in control of how much resource a given VPS gets on the host) It is worth noting that with full root...
  17. Arantor

    Community Chat Thread

    Just hearing that Meta is going to a) cut down on fact checkers and b) promote more political content. I say good: maybe it’ll help people realise they should be getting off Meta!
  18. Arantor

    What are your thoughts on Australia banning kids under 16 from social media?

    Since it became utterly normalised to give them a device in their pocket with the internet attached. Especially as we veer towards normalising internet access as a right rather than a privilege. But given how often people try to bend the rules on, say, buying alcohol, what are the odds that...
  19. Arantor

    ForuMansion [Deleted]

    I think this is a “it’s ba-ack!” moment.
  20. Arantor

    Leadership Sudden boost of activity

    Almost certainly bots.