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  1. Hulk

    ✅ Resolved Content orders

    Thank you
  2. Hulk

    ✅ Resolved Content orders

    If I for example want the 50 threads can I state in my request that I want five people to do ten threads each or are those sorts of requests not allowed?
  3. Hulk

    Completed 10 threads & 5 posts for Chatosaur

  4. Hulk

    📌 Sticky We’d Love to Hear Your Feedback!

    Overall Experience How satisfied were you with the overall process of working with us? 10/10 How would you rate the communication and responsiveness of our team? 10/10 Did the content meet your expectations? If not, what could have been improved? Yes Was the content clear, engaging, and...
  5. Hulk

    Completed Chatosaur

    Thanks heaps. Much appreciated.
  6. Hulk

    Closed Administrata Lottery - Are you feeling lucky?

    How do I redeem for the community spotlight?
  7. Hulk

    Closed Administrata Lottery - Are you feeling lucky?

    24 and 32 please if no one else has taken them.
  8. Hulk

    Chatosaur – Make new friends and explore services designed to elevate your forums, websites, and...

    This thread is for the general discussion of the link Chatosaur - Make Lasting Friendships. Please add to the discussion here.
  9. Hulk

    ★ Off Topix - Active & friendly forum ★

    One of my favorite forums!
  10. Hulk

    Nebulous dropping in!

  11. Hulk

    Community Chat Thread

    Happy Sunday! Getting closer to Christmas!
  12. Hulk

    Completed Chatosaur

    I get 10% off for pro I think?
  13. Hulk

    📌 Sticky Promote & Support Administrata - Earn Rewards!

    I put it in my signature at Forum Promotion.
  14. Hulk

    Staff Changes & Announcements

    Yay congrats
  15. Hulk

    General PhpBB

    The software I started with when it came to downloadable software. I hated when I had to put the code in myself in all the files as half the time I would mess up something and break something. I find it cool how it's just a drag and drop process for the add-ons now. PhpBB would be my second...
  16. Hulk

    General What forum software are you currently running on?

    While I don't run a forum anymore my last few were on Xenforo. I love how simple it was to use yet so effective. It had everything I needed.
  17. Hulk

    The Launch of Administrata + and Pro Memberships

    Thinking about upgrading at some point within the next couple weeks :) Not for the services but because I like to support your amazing projects!