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  1. Daniel

    Your Most Recent Purchase

    A new fridge. My current one stopped cooling properly after defrosting.
  2. Daniel

    AMA Heyo!

    Thanks, guys! :cool: (y)
  3. Daniel

    AMA Heyo!

    Yeah, @Cedric, mostly nostalgia and some expectation of eventually getting in touch with some familiar faces. Foruming hasn't been a habit of mine for a while, and my past experience says it can sometimes be difficult to conciliate online activity with life in general, particularly for those of...
  4. Daniel

    AMA Heyo!

    @Cedric I understand that some of them probably have 3 kids to take care of :ROFLMAO: but I hope they manage to find you to say things worked out alright! @Cpvr Hello! Thank you for the kind reception. I'm glad to be here! Seems like a very chill place :giggle:
  5. Daniel

    AMA Heyo!

    Hi, @Cedric! Thanks! Well, I guess as the end of the year approached I found myself with some leisure (I'm single with no children yet 😅) and that led me to search for the old, 1.3 version of Invision Power Boards. Of course I knew the Jcink forum hosting for many years, but as "more dynamic...
  6. Daniel

    AMA Heyo!

    Hello, everyone! :cool: I'm Daniel, but you can call me Dan, AIWA, HuskY~, d1ngell, Sentaité, Askendé, or any of my long and defunct list of forum handles that I can't remember either. Foruming led me to learn graphic design, UI/UX, coding and web development, which eventually led me to pursue...