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  1. XenForo XenForo 2.4 coming soon?

    Suffice it to say, I won't be running the betas this time around and will probably wait it out to RC3+ before I even look at playing with it. I had a lot of time on my hands when I started my first live forum on 2.1 Beta (as it had reactions, even though I was prepping to launch on 2.0 with...
  2. XenForo XenForo 2.4 coming soon?

    2.3 Had a beta. 2.2 Had a beta. 2.1 Had a beta. 2.0 Had a beta. 1.5 Had a beta. 1.4 Had a beta. 1.3 Had a beta. 1.2 Had a beta. 1.1 Had a beta. And 1.0 had a beta. Unsure why 2.4 (or even XF 3) would break the mold.
  3. ✅ Resolved Forum Discovery

    Nope. It looks like (maliciously) reporting ta site is good enough to get on the blacklist, which you cannot get off of, causing irreparable harm. That's all that I need to know to investigate further. Thanks!
  4. ✅ Resolved Forum Discovery

    That gave me a clue as to what might've happened. Thanks for the information as I now have a digital trail to follow! :)
  5. ✅ Resolved Forum Discovery

    Using the recommended tool by Avast: https://www.avast.com/c-website-safety-check-guide Tool: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/home/url Results: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/url/7ae87f8d57832e761a51d3d003be0acb830ee3137b4a0dac66b9342080a4decb I'm not getting any hits. But, I'll continue to...
  6. ✅ Resolved Forum Discovery

    I've tried replicating this on two devices with and without a VPN, but both are Chrome. Could you please provide more details on it and perhaps a screenshot along with the certificate that it's using (perhaps could be cached on your end)?
  7. Foundation Do Ads Ruin the Integrity of Online Communities?

    That #google_vignette will have me off a website in no time.
  8. Implemented Implement a good trader system

    Just annotate that if it becomes problematic where trust is lost because there are no deals ever, but still trade ratings, then may need to reverse course on it. I've not seen a professional forum with trader rating abuse though. (Was also a pretty serious offense on one)
  9. Implemented Implement a good trader system

    Works but I dunno how I feel about a required thread. As this forum overlaps, I've done business with someone where the item might've been listed here or not. Also prevents you from reviewing writers unless they have a specific thread that you need to go out of your way to find.
  10. Implemented Implement a good trader system

    Did. Did you. Did you test. Did you test it? 🤔
  11. Fights with friends online

    I had a pretty good friend, and we were tele-co-workers for some time. We even met up when I went back to the States in 2014. He couldn't agree with my politics (not going into it, just knowing what side of the aisle I was on) and blocked me in 2016. Such a strange world we live in today. You...
  12. Anybody running a ham rig?

    I'll have to look into it locally, but at least I have some models to look into, if they're equipped for the same wavelengths (might be different frequencies here or something, who knows, but it should be a universal standard I would presume).
  13. Guide Running a Successful Server as an Administrator

    I love this about aaPanel, which is free, as it updates in real-time... ...and I don't know if cPanel does the same (you can see it in Plesk but you have to refresh the page). Which makes me want to buy the Pro lifetime license for $700. The difference that I am aware of between the free one...
  14. Anybody running a ham rig?

    That's what I was thinking. There has to be some sort of manual trigger to stop you from broadcasting on bands you shouldn't be on, but also there for when you do get a license to do so, to open it up. I'd mainly want it to listen and then, if SHTF, nobody cares about a license. I just want to...
  15. Anybody running a ham rig?

    I'm wondering if you "need" a license (I would look into it for Japan) to own a radio but never use it. Probably good to have, but I don't want to go through the hassle of licensing, etc., to use it. However, I'd like to at least test an emergency channel (if possible) without the "Feds" coming...
  16. Looking for Xenforo license only

    Unless @Nick1 wants to pay a premium since it's crypto and I'm trying to get my crypto stack up. Then again, none of my licenses are transferrable unless I renew one of my older ones.
  17. Looking for Xenforo license only

    All mine, sorry. I'm looking as well and will buy on the spot if the price is right.
  18. Anybody running a ham rig?

    And when SHTF, you're the type of person I'd run to. I'm sure you wouldn't mind an MRE or silver coins in return for some good messages to be given or passed along. :-P
  19. Implemented Implement a good trader system

    Most definitely, as I've worked with @BRANSOL as well, and could leave a positive rating for them too with the extent that they went above and beyond my delivery expectations. And a lot of the content creation team too.
  20. Implemented Implement a good trader system

    Right now, I just updated my profile info with a seller rating for @Eclipse, but it shows up in my postbit. I've also done $2000~ worth of business with someone else (to remain unnamed at this time) who might want to exchange feedback. Trading feedback is integral if you want a market that...