That is the issue with Tiktok. When I go there, most of the contents there are all about dancing and less of what can make one become great at what they do.
Using Chatgpt to write is lame and a proof that one is not creative. If you are creative, you should aim to make use of other ways to improve your writing skills.
Yes, I post most of my works on social media and hope that I win some jobs doing so on the internet. I have not gotten any clients marketing my writing works on social media, but I hope I get to do so soon at the end of the day.
That is also what I do. I don't let criticism to get to me, I pick up what I should learn from if and move on to becoming a better person at the end of the day.
I am always worse in the afternoon as I can't even do more at that time, but morning is always when I am always super active and focused to achieve a lot that I wish to achieve during those periods
It is all because of the inconsistencies that are involved. There are times that you would wish to pay some bills and depending and hoping on a client to hire you for such role wouldn't give you the type of success that you would have wanted.
Asking for proof is a good way to get them to show the past works that they have done. It could also be about giving you a link as well. This is why I am very careful with just believing all that I read just by looking at the reviews. It doesn't always work that way for me.
This is good and a nice way to approach handling different kinds of projects that we wish to do. Personally, I focus more on ensuring that I do a good job and should I need an extra time, I work towards seeking that from the client so that we be on the same page.
Consistently asking a client if they are open to hiring you again can be seen as invading their privacy. For that reason, I don't do that at all. I only focus on doing a good job, and if they find my work to be good, they can ask me to return to work again.
I hate when my partner yells at me. I mean what are you trying to achieve with such an attitude? I would simply call it off when I notice that my partner can only settle issues by yelling at me.
I have not gotten a chargeback on a work that I did in the past. I try to stick to an agreement and do my best in working greatly on a job. Getting a chargeback can be frustrating and I try my best to avoid such scenario.
No, I have not had an experience with a client asking for a refund. I work my best to deliver works when I should and that has made me develop a good working relationship with my clients.
You are right. Find out what works best and try to set out clear boundaries on how the work should be done. There is no need acting like you are scared of then especially when they are stamping on your rights.
I like to keep communications on the freelancing site to avoid having any issues tomorrow. It is basic because some clients may want to play a fast one on you and it is in your best interest to ensure that they don't get that type of chance with you.
It is important to calculate your expenses when it comes to setting costs for your services as a freelancer. You can't be spending more and end up charging clients less. It doesn't sound good to me at all.
Yeah, that's the issue with doing so, especially when you don't have the time to be able to manage more than a forum. It is not even easy to be able to manage just a forum.