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  1. Henrywrites

    Completed Asian Culture forum

    Completed mine.
  2. Henrywrites

    Completed 50 posts on

    Completed mine.
  3. Henrywrites

    Completed 10 Posts

    Completed mine Username: Henry.
  4. Henrywrites

    Completed 10 Posts

    Taking 1st spot.
  5. Henrywrites

    Completed Asian Culture forum

    1st spot for me
  6. Henrywrites

    Completed 50 posts on

    Taking 3rd spot.
  7. Henrywrites

    Is Reddit the Future of Crisis Comms?

    We shall find out in the future how reddit will grow to become this. I've had issues with some of the mods in the past based on one thing or another, but I guess that they will have to get some things fixed going forward should they get more users register although I wont deny the fact that the...
  8. Henrywrites

    Russia is Banning Discord

    It is worrisome how they are denying their citizens some rights. I don't even get the reason for such acts at all. They should not go ahead with banning businesses from operating in their country just like that.
  9. Henrywrites

    Has corner kicks ruined football?

    The highlight of the week was Arsenal scoring two corner kicks against Manchester United to end Ruben Amorim's unbeaten league game. This has led many to suggest that corner kicks are now a part of the game that Arsenal is focusing more on. What do you really have to say about this?
  10. Henrywrites

    How do you insult someone without swearing?

    There are a couple of times when one would be so angry that they may wish to throw insult to someone in a way that the said person will feel insulted. Is it even possible to insult anyone without using the swear words?
  11. Henrywrites

    Are you always lazy at night?

    We all have that time of the day when we are super active and ready to get along with things. Do you work actively in the morning or at nights? When are you very productive?
  12. Henrywrites

    Life hacks that you practice?

    There are a lot of life hacks that can help one become better in life. Do you have any of those hacks that you actively practise? What are they, and how have they helped you to become a better person in life?
  13. Henrywrites

    New here

    Thanks a lot, my bro!
  14. Henrywrites

    What's your favourite football team?

    He has proven that he has the hunger and drive to keep playing. This is one thing that I enjoy about watching Ronaldo play. He is one that has shown that as long as you are confident, you can go far in life.
  15. Henrywrites

    How often do you check Google Analytics/Search Console?

    This is nice. That is to show that you are consistent and can keep up with following the progress of your forum in order to know whether it is achieving success needed or not.
  16. Henrywrites

    Engagement Are controversial topics a key to engagement?

    I believe that it works. It goes in a way that it makes everything to be alright and in the right place. Creating controversial topics brings the spark in the conversation and makes a lot of people want to take part in the discussion that is ongoing. This is why I believe that it definitely...
  17. Henrywrites

    General What topic on your forum has the most replies?

    This is true. A lot of users are looking for how to make money and once they see a topic where it is being discussed, they will want to share their thoughts there which is very good and nice. I have noticed such topics gaining more views and responses.
  18. Henrywrites

    Strategy How can you encourage members to contribute meaningful content?

    Leading by example is one of the ways that you can get to achieve this. You don't even need to do much, but by ensuring that you make insightful posts that will make things better for you. I have always said that as an owner, leading the way will work wonders in the long run.
  19. Henrywrites

    New here

    Hi, all This is Mr Henry and I am very happy to be a part of this wonderful community. I look forward to sharing ideas with everyone here. Thank you.
  20. Henrywrites

    Do you make use of Amercian or British English when you write?

    We've got two types of English and even though the difference is mainly seen in spoken English, it can be possible with written words in some cases. Do you care to figure out the English style you use when writing , or doesn't matter at all to you?