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  1. fdk

    The Victory of Russia

    In a further development on this, Trump has apparently said publicly to Zelensky: "Make a deal, or American support is out". Not seen it, but reports say he used those words. Not surprising from him, but interesting to see the specific words supposedly now said publicly. Zelensky has responded...
  2. fdk

    The Victory of Russia

    So, rather upsettingly for those of us living in Europe who enjoy relative peace and democracy, it looks like Trump has fully flown the cuckoo nest and gone completely bonkers, and has effectively just green-lit Russia to pulverise Ukraine into nothingness. Unfortunately, we all know that it's...
  3. fdk

    Leadership How long have you been managing communities?

    I myself launched my first forum shortly after I first discovered them - probably around 2009-10 when I would've been 12-13 years old, or perhaps even a year or so before that. Of course, the first few forums I setup were nothing more than "tests" and seeing what I could do with them - which of...
  4. fdk

    Leadership What makes someone a bad community owner?

    I've met few "bad" forum admins or community owners. I've met many that are inexperienced and do things or make changes without necessarily thinking out the full consequences. That doesn't necessarily make them a bad admin, it might just mean they're young, and/or relatively inexperienced, and...
  5. fdk

    Shared, VPS or Dedicated?

    Completely depends on the requirements of the project, for me. I've never had need for, nor wanted to pay out the expenses required, for a dedicated server, yet. I have used shared hosting packages countless times, used VPS services for my biggest project many years ago (which was expensive...
  6. fdk

    What are you listening to?

    Ooooh, this is a blast from the past!
  7. fdk

    I need some help with email, cloudflare, SPF, DKIM errors - who is an expert?

    @Al - only just seen this thread, and realise it's a few months old now, but all of Arantor's advice provided here is sound. I'm a fellow Brit and manage a lot of the technical stuff for the charity I work for - DKIM absolutely will be the responsibility of your hosting provider to assist with...
  8. fdk

    Would you rather buy or build a community?

    I personally have only bought a forum once, and the venture didn't pan out quite as I'd hoped. It was a reasonably-sized but also relatively new forum, but was started by one of the most experienced forum admins I knew at the time. It was only a short while after I'd sold my own football forum...
  9. fdk

    Shrek 5

    Isn't the Shrek series over yet?! Jesus, yet another one I'm going to be roped into watching with the nephew. :LOL:
  10. fdk

    What are you listening to?

    The beat of this song got me feeling some type of way!
  11. fdk

    Does your host admit it when your site gets DDoSd?

    I experienced a few DDoS attacks on my old forum and the host always provided information quickly and assisted me in blocking relevant IP ranges temporarily to mitigate the impact. I don't see what a hosting provider would stand to gain from withholding information from a client about an attack...
  12. fdk

    What are you listening to?

    Having a music tone change this morning now...
  13. fdk

    Article You should embrace off topic posts on your online community

    Off-topic discussions definitely aren't a bad thing for a community in my opinion, as long as they're not derailing threads and are done in a separate area of the forum. Ultimately, an off-topic section, and general community chat threads and such I've always found to be super helpful in...
  14. fdk

    I'm back...

    A big welcome back @Bryn Not to the same extent at all, but recently suffered a bereavement within my family myself and had to have a week or so off pretty much all online activities just to get my head around things mainly. All the team and community here at Administrata were super supportive...
  15. fdk

    Which forums are you mostly active on?

    This is definitely the forum I'm "most" active on. I login here most days, if not every day, even if only for a few minutes if I'm busy elsewhere. There are no other forums I am on which I login into every day without fail. I help to run a very small forum as part of my work, but it's...
  16. fdk

    What are you listening to?

    What an absolute blast from the past this song is... quite why it popped up on YouTube recommendations I don't know.
  17. fdk

    What are you listening to?

    (Huge Rod Wave fan here if nobody's noticed before!)
  18. fdk

    Plugins What plugins or tools have been game-changers for your forum?

    The biggest game-changer for any forum I've ever run was a sportsbook/betting plugin I had custom-made for the football forum I used to run. It was an absolutely fantastic investment for us, and as I've mentioned elsewhere previously, I believe it was effectively what led to our massive growth...
  19. fdk

    15,000 posts landmark!

    Was a member of Postloop for many years - what a blast from the past. Stopped actively using it in around 2014, but I did check on it again in around 2020 and it was still around (albeit pretty dead) then, so it must've been somewhat recent that it's actually gone offline. It's a shame, because...
  20. fdk

    Xenforo License forum software for sale. 3 licenses 2-Media Gallery

    I might be wrong on this, and @Cedric might be better placed to offer an answer, but my belief was that expired licenses cannot be transferred. Therefore, you'd have to pay the fee to extend support and updates in order to be able to transfer the license(s), if I'm not mistaken.