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  1. Henrywrites

    How do you manage multiple clients?

    It is all about time management. As long as you are able to manage your time well, you can be able to handle as many clients as they come your way. It is one good way to start.
  2. Henrywrites

    How often do you repeat clients?

    I have worked with a couple of clients for months now. These are the people who trust that I can deliver whenever the need arises.
  3. Henrywrites

    How do you reach out to potential clients?

    That is a good move. Offering discounts can make them want to tag along with the business that you are doing, and it can be a smart way to achieve more sales.
  4. Henrywrites

    Have you used a billboard to promote your business?

    I don't have that kind of money yet, but it is one thing that I should be working on achieving in the nearest future as it will help give my business the type of visibility that it requires.
  5. Henrywrites

    How long have you been a freelancer?

    I have been freelancing for over a decade now, and trust me when I said that it has been more of a blessing than a curse. I have been able to achieve much more through freelancing than getting involved in any other thing.
  6. Henrywrites

    Payment before or after job completion?

    This is entirely based on trust. If I trust a client not to go away with my money, I can start the work while they pay later.
  7. Henrywrites

    Have you ever had your work rejected by a client?

    Having your work being rejected by a client can be one of the most challenging situations a freelancer can face. Have you had that kind of experience? How were you able to handle it?
  8. Henrywrites

    Have you read the business laws relating to your business?

    There are laws guiding any business we have in the world and basically in a particular country. Before starting your business, were you able to check the business laws of your country to see how it goes?
  9. Henrywrites

    Can you make a living only from freelancing?

    Freelancing is cool, but there are times when you won't be able to get a job for a couple of days or weeks. Can you be able to survive going fully into freelancing?
  10. Henrywrites

    How do you handle aggressive clients?

    Some clients can be aggressive and never ready to accept to settle things in a calm way. Have you had an ugly experience with such a client? How did you end up settling that?
  11. Henrywrites

    How to handle credit sales?

    Most businesses can never achieve their goals without going into credit sales. Credit sales help one to sell their goods or services while they get payment on a later date. Do you get involved in credit sales? How do you handle it?
  12. Henrywrites

    What does creating a customer-centric business model entail?

    To be able to create a customer-centric business model, the business person need to look at what the customer wants in every decision that you take concerning the business. It is always important to look at it from that angle as that is what is going to help your business focus more on the...
  13. Henrywrites

    Mistakes to avoid when starting a new business?

    There are a lot of factors one would need to consider before starting any business. One of those would be how to fund, how to source for goods or raw materials, and how to create the market. Do you have other areas one would look at when they are looking to start a business and the mistakes they...
  14. Henrywrites

    What do you consider when finding business partners?

    Partnerships in businesses are not entirely bad. The most important thing is one being able to figure out the type of business partner that they need. What are the areas you consider before settling for a business partner?
  15. Henrywrites

    What does one need to achieving a smooth business networking?

    Networking in businesses can never be overlooked. It is through good networking that you can be able to achieve some of the basics that you need, such as building great relationships as relating to the business. One key tip that can help businesses to network better is the ability to offer value...
  16. Henrywrites

    Do you understand what company culture is all about?

    When it comes to businesses, there is a need to understand that there exists company culture. This helps to influence employee satisfaction, shape the work environment and can be a catalyst for driving productivity. It is important for every business to focus on building better company culture...
  17. Henrywrites

    How do you prevent your writing work from being stolen?

    Most writers who are professionals do it nowadays and it has been helping them a lot right now. This is one of the things that we should start looking at implementing in order to prevent others from stealing our work.
  18. Henrywrites

    How well do you handle feedback and constructive criticism on your writing?

    Getting angry at feedback helps no one at all. Rather, you are going to see that you are getting it all wrong since such a client won't want to order you for work again. So, it is better to look at what they are complaining about and make some adjustments to it.
  19. Henrywrites

    Do you use any tools for your writing?

    Having the basic tools is very important. It helps one focus on getting better at how to write. It is going to save you some stress as well which means you use the tools to do more instead of doing everything manually.
  20. Henrywrites

    How do you Improve Your Writing?

    You are absolutely correct. To keep writing is one of the best ways to improve your skills. It has helped people in the past, and I believe that it is still working perfectly okay. You can never get better as long as you are not willing to keep working on improving your writing skills.