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Search results

  1. xenForo Licenses For Sale

    I can neither confirm nor deny whether I sniped them all within 30 minutes of posting.
  2. xenForo Licenses For Sale

    Are they transferrable at those prices? I thought you could only transfer within 90 days of renewal or something.
  3. Do you offer a dark and light mode?

    I do because it came with the style. That said, I prefer to use the light mode, even at night.
  4. Heroel - A... project?

    Add a "battle again" button so they can choose to finish them off if they want. More page views as battles take place with consecutive hits/returns. Perhaps add a 1-3 second timer on the button before it enables so that time on page doesn't drastically decrease.
  5. Closed Holiday Wishlist Fulfilled!

    I'm late... I'll take #5 then.
  6. Delegation What tasks do you reserve for yourself?

    At the moment, anything in the ACP is reserved.
  7. Heroel - A... project?

    Just a tip: 30 minutes (regular) and 12 hours (super) is way too long of a cooldown period, unless it were per ability (strength, defense, speed, agility), as that is only 6 page views in 30 minutes. You want users on your game for longer than 30 minutes, as they could accomplish the gold/battle...
  8. Are you accepting Crypto payments

    I dropped 1 of my NFTs today... from my last post about it, it went from 0.8 to 1.4 ETH, so I decided to take some off the table. An annualized return of 100% and overall 800% ROI. Annualized return of 100%, total 800% ROI. And that's a good thing. I don't trust the dollar unless it's on a...
  9. Heroel - A... project?

    I'd hax0r my stats back again, but they'd just disappear. @fdk defeated me in trying. Which is a shame, cause it shows how it can be done, so he could prevent it... but, now he can find out the exploits on his own.! :p
  10. Heroel - A... project?

    There seems to have been a database error. :mad:
  11. Heroel - A... project?

    A game with a lot of angry members. :p
  12. Agora merged into Administrata

    Nothing in comparison to when you import users though. Something else happens there for sure.
  13. Heroel - A... project?

    Weak battle damage. How much strength does Evan have to deal more damage than me??
  14. Agora merged into Administrata

    True. Didn't think about that. But, the user id is awkward to skip so much like that. It should just insert into the next row (incremental). I don't know how the ids are calculated on an import, whether they use the old forum's ids, or what, but now a new member joining will have an id of #600...
  15. Agora merged into Administrata

    I hate it when this happens. I like ids in order and have hard delete, etc., off to preserve the id to ever reference back to what it was (even if it was a spam post, it's kept for spam analysis to harden anti-spam measures). You would've had to export user by user and then import user by user...
  16. Agora merged into Administrata

    Seeing the "newest members" list, it doesn't appear to be migrated yet.
  17. Heroel - A... project?

    Don't you even think about it.
  18. Heroel - A... project?

    Better not be anymore "adjustments". Or else...
  19. Growth Launch method?

    I was gunning for the same thing. But, I didn't realize that RS was on Google's Safe Content search list for a minute (as I have mine off), which explained the non-existent SEO growth. 💀 Numbers since rebranding have multiplied by factors.