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  1. Uptrendfinancialsignal

    What is Your Preferred Payment Method to Receive Payment From Clients

    When working independently, I have the freedom to choose a preferred payment method and that's definitely an advantage. What is most important is to have control over your funds which can be very beneficial.
  2. Uptrendfinancialsignal

    How Often Do You Push Deadlines?

    That's a very responsible attitude. I make it a duty to work before deadlines and I do that because unforeseen circumstances can't be avoided. Life can be unpredictable.
  3. Uptrendfinancialsignal

    How Do You Handle Chargebacks

    It's indeed a very a frustrating experience when it first happened to me. Chargebacks can be a very big challenge for freelancers, especially when you feel cheated. I gained something now and I'll start avoiding PayPal with new clients at least until I’ve established a trust in them.
  4. Uptrendfinancialsignal

    Do you make enough to live on with your freelancing work?

    Freelancing can be a great supplement to a primary income. I ensure to acknowledge the uncertainty and variability of freelance work and that's why I diversify my income stream and it's been a smart move for me.
  5. Uptrendfinancialsignal

    Do You Pester For Work

    To me, it's a great approach as I do it too. Following up with clients after delivering work is completely reasonable, and asking if they need further assistance shows that you're interested in their success. There is no harm in that!
  6. Uptrendfinancialsignal

    Effective marketing

    I have used the word-of-mouth marketing before and it's incredibly powerful. In this type of marketing, the good thing is happy customers and clients will become brand ambassadors. They would share their positive experiences with others. I also realised that trust is a crucial factor because so...
  7. Uptrendfinancialsignal

    Have you started a successful blog in the last year?

    Yes, Google's core updates can have a significant impact on certain niches. This is why I make sure to stay adaptable, so that i can adjust my strategies to respond to these changes.
  8. Uptrendfinancialsignal

    Tumblr to move its half a billion blogs to WordPress

    Moving half a billion blogs from Tumblr to WordPress will indeed take time, but I see it as a great move for the platform. I said this because wordPress offers more flexibility and customization options.
  9. Uptrendfinancialsignal

    How did you learn HTML?

    Based on my experience, I noticed that the feeling of control and constant learning is indeed very empowering and it makes you feel like a superhuman. Trust me, I know the feeling because I've been there.
  10. Uptrendfinancialsignal

    Do you need to have a degree to be a professional programmer?

    I couldn't agree more with your assertion! Skills and experience are what matters in the programming and design world. I’m so surprised to see how self-taught programmers and designers demonstrated more practical expertise.
  11. Uptrendfinancialsignal

    System design cheat sheet

    Wow, you did a great job because that's a comprehensive system design cheat sheet. These are valuable resources for any system designer or architect. I personally appreciate the inclusion of the user experience design, because it's often overlooked.
  12. Uptrendfinancialsignal

    What are the best ways to learn programming?

    Tutorials and videos can only take you far but by working on projects, you’ll definitely develop problem-solving skills and also learn how to debug and retain information better.
  13. Uptrendfinancialsignal

    Do you use social media to promote your writing work?

    That's indeed a great way to leverage social media for promotion and telegram groups can be a fantastic way to connect with fellow writers and industry professionals because I've tried it before, especially within niche communities and to works.
  14. Uptrendfinancialsignal

    Content Marketing Strategies for Social Media

    Absolutely! Building a loyal audience is very crucial for successful content marketing. It took me time to know that it's not just about creating content, but it's about resonating with your target audience. That's a game changer my friend.
  15. Uptrendfinancialsignal

    What makes a blog interesting?

    I just couldn't agree more! I also know that authenticity and passion shine through writing and it makes it and captivating. It's a common mistake made by many writers.
  16. Uptrendfinancialsignal

    Do you use any tools for your writing?

    Grammarly is indeed a very fantastic tool because I use it often. I use plagiarism checkers because it's very essentials for ensuring error-free and original writing.
  17. Uptrendfinancialsignal

    Word counters

    I see this has a great approach. Using Google Docs' word counter for client work makes a lot of sense to me as it’ll help you meet specific requirements.
  18. Uptrendfinancialsignal

    Best advice you have ever received by a fellow writer?

    I love that! 'Write simple' is indeed wise advice. I also try to write simple because it's easy to get caught up in using complex language, but clarity and concision are key to effective writing.
  19. Uptrendfinancialsignal

    Do you research before you start writing?

    I take research has something very important, especially when tackling tech-related topics. I research not only to ensure accuracy but also helps me stay up-to-date with the latest developments.
  20. Uptrendfinancialsignal

    What is your pet peeve when it comes to creating graphics?

    I totally relate to what you are saying. I have been there too and I know how frustrating it is when clients choose a ugly design. I love the approach you adopted and it not only saves time but also ensures you're showcasing your expertise and maintaining high standards at the same time too.