I make sure to understand my audience for effective marketing. Doing this enables me to tailor my message and choose the right channels that would be used to create content that resonates with them. Here is the catch, if i understand their needs, preferences, and pain points, it’ll help me...
Honestly, it's a great approach. When you start as part-time freelancer, it let you test the waters and build your portfolio gradually. I think the best practice is to begin with part-time and transition to full-time as your business grows.
Yes, people go for the ecommerce stores like Amazon and Shopify because it offers vast customer bases and convenience. If you want greater control and branding, it's advisable to create your own store.
I agree with you. I see the rise of visual and audiovisual content as hiderance and it has indeed shifted the landscape significantly. But that is not to say that written content still do not holds value, it does, especially for in-depth analysis, education, and storytelling.
I totally understand where you are coming from because it's not easy to meet the deadlines especially when you have multiple projects . It can be very overwhelming.
In my case, it is the teddy bear that I used to carry as a child. I still have him on my bed till date. It's crazy hun! 🤣 What's the most nostalgic thing you own?
Do you guys believe in karma? For me, I have always had faith in karma, I was of the opinion that anything that you do to people is surely going to come back you. So, this is the reason I do attempt to live my life by following this rule. I try to be kind to other people as much as I can and...
What do you think is the weirdest thing a person would do? For me, it's skydiving. Well, this sounds insane but I just want to go there, do it and see the beautiful scenery. Share yours!
What do you think is the best gift that one can give or received from another person. For me, the memorable and special gift that I received from my brother was a car. What about you?
With the rate at which the SpaceX and NASA are advancing in technology, I think it is no longer a question of if it’ll happen, but we should be talking about when it will happen. So, in your opinion, do you think that the world will ever come to a stage where we will be occupying other planets?
I heard about a man who actually gave one of his kidneys to a stranger and that actually led to 10 other individuals donating their organs to the needy patients as well. It was inspiring to see people who will sacrifice a part of them for the betterment of the society. I never forgot that story.
If I could go through one typical day of my life, I’d prefer you to go through the day I went to the beach when I was young with my family. I had a great time with sand activitiee, we even build tiny houses with it. I can't also forget splashing in the water and the most interesting of them all...
I really like the community I grew up in because we always watch each other’s back. This community consists of people who don’t only know their neighbors but are in some way engaged in so many things. Do you like something special about the town where you grew up?
For me, I have zoophobia. Trust me, it sounds so silly, and I have really tried to handle that, I simply cannot. Even the domestic animals scare the hell out of me. What's yours?
I'd definitely choose teleportation. No more traffic, long flights, and line to stand in. It sounds very much like the sixth sense; you can only imagine what it would be like to be able to travel to any place at the flick of a button. If you could have any type of super power in this world...
I once made peanut butter and pickle sandwich and it tasted out great but I never expected the taste. It is fun to have a creamy peanut butter with Sweet pickles. Do you have a strange food pairing that you like to eat?
If you hard to state your preference then what would you pick? I am mountain lover myself . I like being up there with fresh view of the earth. Share your thoughts!
I recalled a woman I met on the street one day who said, ‘Your happiness is making this room bright’. Well it took me by surprise but Then again was the most amusing thing I came across. What is the best compliment you ever get in your life when you did not expect it? Share your thoughts!