I always seem to look at the negative side of things and I have always been like that, I guess with bad luck in the past and things going wrong in the past, it's an automatic reaction now.
I have gotten better at looking at things in a more positive light.
Proofreading is always important when it comes to writing and the reason for this is because you can so easily make mistakes that you do not always notice unless you take a look over your work a few times.
I know on many occasions I have made silly mistakes and not realized until I proofread...
These are some great tips to ensure that your social media campaigns reach as far as you want them to. One of the things I see a lot of people doing is utilizing paid campaigns but not making the content they use for the campaign eye-catching or interesting.
Burnout as a freelancer is something that happens more times than most tend to admit, I know I have hit burnout many times and it has never been easy to deal with at all.
On the times when I have hit burnout, I have found that going off and spending time doing other things such as playing...
As a freelancer myself, staying motivated is something that can most of the time, be quite difficult, especially if you are easily distracted when it comes to working from home like I do.
I have always found having your work area in an area where there are very little distractions can help a...
I tend to deal with a lot of clients and it can be a little too much to keep all files for a long period. I have found that keeping them for around 6 months to a year has been the best option and haven't run into any issues keeping them for that time.
Print-on-demand is something I have looked into but have not jumped and tried out to make money. I know there are a lot of people who do this and they seem to make quite a good amount of money, I guess the question is whether you have either the design skills yourself or whether you have enough...
As someone who has been a freelancer for many years now, I know how easy it is to get overwhelmed with the amount of projects you could end up with.
For a while, I was using Microsoft's to-do list tool and I found that worked well for me but I have also just started taking a look at Trello and...
Dealing with any difficult clients is something you can't avoid no matter whether you wish to or not. I have had my fair share of difficult clients and I have found over the years of dealing with these kinds of clients, it is important to not only be patient with them but to also reason with...
I have looked into dropshipping in the past but it's not something I have jumped in and attempted to do, mainly because I do not feel I know enough about it at the moment to be able to successfully run a business using dropshipping.
Gaining feedback when creating designs is something I find crucial for two reasons. The first reason is to get feedback on your work and to know how you can improve if they feel that you could have done better somewhere. The second reason is to have feedback from previous clients so that others...
I have used both a free and paid graphics design tool and I have found both of them to be useful for what I use the design tool for.
Recently I have been using Canva a lot to create graphics and also videos and a lot of what they offer for free has worked well for me.
I have been known to connect with other writers through forums mostly. I have heard of those who have used social media such as Facebook and even X (formally Twitter) to connect with other writers and they have had some success doing that.
I wouldn't say it is easy to get a writing job, most who are looking for writers are looking for someone who is already established and who has work they can show such as a portfolio.
The key to getting work is to put yourself out there with small services that you feel comfortable offering to...
One tip I learned when writing on social media is to keep the content you post short, simple and to the point. If you post too much and it takes a while to get to the point you are trying to make, people will get fed up and scroll.
I have participated in a few writing contests in the past, some of which I have been successful in and have won something and others I wasn't successful but I still had a lot of fun participating in the contests.
Taking part in writing contests I find is a great way to better your writing...
Dealing with clients who are tough to tackle is never a walk in the park and can be quite a challenge. I have always found that when I have come across a client who is quite tough to deal with, being patient with them and reasoning with them can help a great deal.
At the moment I am not running a business from any of my forums or blogs but would like to see one become a business at a later date.
At the moment they are all ran as hobbies and I am happy with that.
At the moment, aside from the freelance services that I offer, I don't have a business for anything else and my freelance work is something I have lessened over the last month or so due to a change in circumstances.
I have in the past considered starting my own business but not done so as of yet.
Juggling many different projects can indeed be overwhelming and stressful. I have on many occasions set up to-do lists but still in the past found myself overwhelmed no matter what I did.
I have not heard of Asana or Trello but will be looking into these.