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  1. Shortie

    How to Set the Right Freelance Rates?

    I have found as a freelancer that offering the going rate at the moment which is $0.20 per post and $0.25 per thread for forum writing or $1 per 100 words when it comes to articles has worked out best for me.
  2. Shortie

    Playing mobile games on computer

    I do know of an app that you can install on your computer but this one is Android so you can only play games for Android on this program and that is Bluestacks. I am not aware of one for iOS though.
  3. Shortie

    How many clients do you have?

    At one point had about five clients but have since lowered how many I have due to other work commitments and changes in my circumstances. What I have now which is two solid clients is perfect for me and will be what I will be continuing with for the foreseeable.
  4. Shortie

    Beware of Fiverr Reviews: They're not always real!

    This happens way too often, not just on freelance platforms but even on shopping platforms as well, you can never be too cautious and if reviews seem too good to be true, they probably are. Looking at the OP above, the minute I saw a name I knew just how fake those reviews were, that name was...
  5. Shortie

    What's the best method to avoid scams as a Freelancer?

    One of the best ways to avoid scams as a freelancer is to use freelance sites that offer protection if a scam does happen. Some do offer their services solo though, I am someone who does and it can sometimes result in scams, this is one of the reasons I either take payment upfront.
  6. Shortie

    Social Media Marketing Updates

    There are always so many updates on social media, sometimes it can be difficult to keep up with and you can miss so much. Hopefully, this helps someone out, it sure helped me out.
  7. Shortie

    Writing and Mental Health

    Writing has had a positive impact on my mental health, I have always found that sitting, researching or just writing about what is on my mind has helped take my mind off other things that would have otherwise affected my mental health badly.
  8. Shortie

    Do you need to have a degree to be a professional programmer?

    I wouldn't say that a degree is necessary for something such as a professional programmer, it could help but you could also learn to be a professional programmer without one.
  9. Shortie

    Can AI replace human designers?

    I don't believe for a second that AI will completely replace humans as there will always be a need for humans to change something that AI has created.
  10. Shortie

    Canva Vs. Photoshop

    I have used both Photoshop and Canva in the past and will admit that I have found Canva to be the one I have preferred working with the most. I love how many features Canva offers not only for their free version but their premium version too and with Canva, it is an affordable monthly fee for...
  11. Shortie

    What makes a blog interesting?

    As much as I do have blogs that I am consistently adding to, at the moment I wouldn't say they are a huge success. From those I know of who have successful blogs, they have found that focusing on niche topics that interest them has been successful for them and I can see how that works.
  12. Shortie

    How to Become a Professional Writer

    Being a writer is something everyone can attempt but not everyone can be successful in doing so. I often hear people say, "Writing must be an easy way to earn money, " which is far from the truth. You need to have a passion for writing and enjoy what you do, burnout can be a very real thing...
  13. Shortie

    How to Create a Content Calendar for Consistent Posting

    These are some great tips. I know myself as a freelancer and someone who creates content consistently, it can be so easy to get confused and lose track of things and having a consistent posting schedule can help a great deal not only to stay on track but for less stress as well.
  14. Shortie

    What are the Content Creation Challenges you come across?

    One of the challenges I seem to come across a lot when it comes to content creation is writer's block. Writer's block hits when you least expect it and it doesn't care when it hits and could leave you in a huge mess, especially if you are on a schedule.
  15. Shortie

    Best advice you have ever received by a fellow writer?

    Writer's block is never any fun, I have hit it so many times and it can be difficult to get out of. I have always found that taking a break from writing and heading out or doing something different can help with writer's block. I have in the past headed out for a walk when I have had writer's...
  16. Shortie

    How do you Improve Your Writing?

    At school, I was always good when it came to writing and grammar, would always get praised by teachers for my writing. Over the years everything I learned stuck with me but then using tools such as Grammarly and also writing regularly, I found my writing got better over time.
  17. Shortie

    What is your favorite niche to write about?

    I have quite a few niches I like to write about, they are gaming, lifestyle, and entertainment such as WWE and other wrestling brands and I also enjoy writing about webmaster related topics too.
  18. Shortie

    How long have you been blogging?

    I have been posting on blogs now for around 3 years but have been posting on a blog that I have now for around 4 years this year. I do enjoy blogging but find I spend more time posting on forums and writing articles at the moment.
  19. Shortie

    Do you research before you start writing?

    Something I have gotten myself into the habit of doing is always researching the topic I will be writing about before I start writing. I find if I research the topic first, I can provide more detail that is right in a quicker time than I would if I researched whilst writing. When you write, do...
  20. Shortie

    Have you used AI to help with SEO?

    As of yet, I have not used AI for SEO purposes but I was aware that you could use AI to help with SEO on your websites and within your content. I am going to look into AI when I get some time to see just how much it can help me with SEO.