Don't know really. One day my Uncle set me a request and that sort of started it. For all the other stuff, filters and such, snapchat at its core is a great tool for communication.
We had used Skype. Microsoft sort of messed it up when they acquired it.
I honestly think Facebooks popularity is on the downswing. I closed my account over a year ago. Many of my friends had done the same before me. My family in Germany and I have moved to snapchat for keeping in touch.
It changed so much. Too many ads and things in the timeline from people you...
It's not called anything fancy. It's called a Belgium Ale.He has made dubbel and tripel. Even made a quint once.
Not many people here in the States understand how good beer is from places like Belgium or Germany so when one is brewed in old traditions people don't like to try it.
I know 1 brewer that I brewed with a couple times that went to Belgium to study with the Trappist Monks. As far as I know he is the only brewer in this part of Florida who brews a true Trappist beer.
Home on leave after I graduated basic. Was out on my bike with friends. About midnight I had to leave. Had to catch a train back to base. I was riding down a twisty turny road that was great to ride. That was about 0015 or so. Next thing I remember I'm at an intersection on a road I wasn't even...