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  1. Heatman

    Do You Always Check Weather Report?

    My smartphone gives me daily update on weather report. I always make sure to have it checked out in morning and set my program so I don't get caught up especially during rainy season down here.
  2. Heatman

    How Often Do You Read Books?

    Yeah, that's very correct. It shows how people are advancing with technology and that is the reason why most people are no longer paying much attention today printed version of books unless it is something they can't get on ebooks.
  3. Heatman

    Have you given up on love?

    Friends with benefits would be me just whoring myself around. It's not how I want to live my life as a man. It's why I don't ever consider it for any reason whatsoever.
  4. Heatman

    Do you smoke?

    Smokers are liable to Die Young!! I know this year is ago and for that reason alone, I don't have any business with smoking or vaping. Infact, anything that has to do with inhaling of smoke is not something I'm interested in.
  5. Heatman

    How are you feeling today?

    You're welcome my friend. A heads up, it's not the first one. This is the 3rd part of the movie if I remembered correctly. You might wanna start from the first one.
  6. Heatman

    How Often Do You Read Books?

    Not very often lately. If I'm being very honest, I find it very tiring to read a book especially when it is a printed copy. I find it more easy reading ebooks online than doing it with physical printed copies.
  7. Heatman

    How do you resolve conflicts with your partner?

    Communication is the key in any relationship. It doesn't matter if it is a romantic relationship or your personal relationship with others, if you don't communicate there is no way you can be able to resolve any misunderstanding between both of you.
  8. Heatman

    How Many Seasons Do You Have?

    What we have in my part of the world is just three seasons. They are rainy, dry and harmattan season. Harmattan is the shortest season we have which lasts only few weeks from December to January.
  9. Heatman

    Have you given up on love?

    My last relationship was very complicated which is the reason why I have decided to stay out of any kind of romantic relationship for now but that doesn't mean I don't believe in love because I know that true love is still real.
  10. Heatman

    How are you feeling today?

    I'm alright. It's nothing to be worried about. If you're a cook, you will already be used to kitchen knife cuts. This is the movie.
  11. Heatman

    What Are Your Thoughts on Paid to Post Forums

    Everything depends on the strategy forum owners are working with because some of them start out with trying to over impress their members which is going to make it too difficult for them to pay those that have earned money from it.
  12. Heatman

    Buying and Selling Websites

    This is actually the reason why they are regarded as project. There are some projects that are short-term and there are some project that are long term. So, if you want to go down the path of working on the project on a long term, that is where you will have to start building a website from the...
  13. Heatman

    How are you feeling today?

    Currently, I'm feeling great. Even though I have a small cut from cooking last night, it's not stopping me from doing anything I have to do. I'm seeing Kingdom of the Planet Apes and enjoying my time here.
  14. Heatman

    What's your favorite forum software?

    The only forum software that I have looked at and liked it a little bit more the same way I liked them XenForo is Invision Community Software.
  15. Heatman

    What Are Your Thoughts on Paid to Post Forums

    Finance is the biggest reason I believe that is why most of the paid posting forums have been shut down. This is because their owners are finding a challenging to pay so many people that are working on their platforms trying to earn from it.
  16. Heatman

    Buying and Selling Websites

    There are only two ways to get into this kind of business, it is either you have the money to buy a website and build it a little bit before selling it or you start a new website from the scratch, grow it before it is matured enough for you to sell it and make profit.
  17. Heatman

    Selling services on promotional forums?

    Fiverr, Upwork, SEOclerks and so many other big freelancing websites are known to be where freelancers hook up to sell their professional services and make money. But that's not the only place to sell services now. Freelancers have branched out to promotional forums to do exactly the same thing...
  18. Heatman

    Selling Freelancing Services

    Yeah, that's very correct. The change of ownership had so many things revamped on the freelancing website which made it extremely difficult for people to get jobs there.
  19. Heatman

    How long is too long to start making money?

    Also you need to be willing to spend a considerable amount of money on your project before you should start expecting to be reaping financial benefits from it otherwise it is not going to work.
  20. Heatman

    How active are your volunteer staff members?

    Most times new forum owners don't have them funds to put each and everyone of their staff member on a payroll which is the reason why they have some people volunteer freely to work as their staff members. For those who are working with staff members that are not paid, how active are they...