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  1. Heatman

    Which one is easier for you?

    Between getting a new client and repeating the old ones that you have worked with before to order for your services, which one do you find more difficult to achieve? Do you pay more attention on trying to get new clients to your business or do you work more on managing, maintaining and likely...
  2. Heatman

    How often do you repeat clients?

    Having steady and active clients who always come back to order for your services as a freelancer is golden. This makes it very easy for you to be constantly getting paid whenever they return and renew their work contract with you. I have about 5 clients who always come back to renew their orders...
  3. Heatman

    Do you offer refund?

    Refund policy is all about having a room for your clients to receive their money paid for a job back if they meet certain criteria after a job is delivered which wasn't to their taste. This actually adds more credibility to your business because it helps to build trust with your clients...
  4. Heatman

    Payment before or after job completion?

    How do you go about getting your payment for jobs that you work on as a freelancer? In a situation where you're not working on site that offers escrow payment services, do you have your payment received completely or half before working on any jobs or do you work and deliver the job before...
  5. Heatman

    Have your client asked for a refund?

    Have you ever found yourself in a position where after working for a client, he or she wasn't satisfied with your job and instead of asking for you to redo the job, the client will ask for a refund? How do you manage such situations as a freelancer if you found yourself in one?
  6. Heatman

    Do you always maintain delivering on your expected time of delivery?

    When it comes to working as a freelancer, it's something I do with all deligence because I don't fancy having a bad review on any of my listing. This is why I always work with a deadline time of delivery. I'll not be pushed to deliver any job before the time I'm supposed to unless it's what I...
  7. Heatman

    Have you had any experience with a troublesome client?

    Human beings are troublesome by nature. If you run into one who's built that way, there's nothing you would do that's not going to end up being a problem. In your years of working as a freelancer, what are your own personal encounters with clients who are troublesome and difficult to work with...
  8. Heatman

    Do you take communication outside the freelancer site?

    Let's assume that you're working with a client you got from any of the freelance websites like Fiverr, Upwork, Seoclerks or even from Promotional Forums like Forum Promotion, how do you manage communication with your clients? Do you keep all conversions on the site or do you take it away to...
  9. Heatman

    How do you decide the pricing of your services?

    Pricing is a very delicate aspect in all businesses. It doesn't matter if you're running an online or offline business or even working as a freelancer, if you don't get your pricing right, there's a high possibility of not being able to get clients who are willing to pay for your...
  10. Heatman

    Do you trust reviews on TrustPilot?

    TrustPilot is one of the biggest reviews platform. All manner of businesses are putting their reviews on the site and their clients also go there to drop reviews based on their experiences with each business. Have you ever looked up reviews on TrustPilot? Do you trust whatever or all you saw...
  11. Heatman

    How many hours do you put into freelance work?

    It actually depends on what I'm working on. If it's a pressing job, I might put on 5 to 6 hours on it daily which can be very stressful. This is why I don't usually take on jobs which are pressing because I like to work on my own pace and do a good job.
  12. Heatman

    Handling Taxes as a Freelancer

    Unfortunately, the file which you attached seem to have been removed or it's broken. When it comes to paying taxes on when I earn as a freelancer, all of them are taxed when I get paid through the payment system I use. I don't do any other tax calculation and payment after getting paid.
  13. Heatman

    Finding High-Paying Clients

    Being able to find a high paying client is 100% dependent on what you offer as a freelancer. If you offer cheap skills, I wonder who you expect to pay very high for what you do? It doesn't and have never worked that way.
  14. Heatman

    Do you make enough to live on with your freelancing work?

    Yes of course, it's possible for me to live and depend only on the money I make online working as a freelancer but I won't do it. Why should I? When there's more money to be made out there, why should I cap my off from doing it? Does Elon Musk stop making more money even even he was the richest...
  15. Heatman

    Do you offer recurring client discounts?

    When it comes to offering discounts to my clients, it's not something I do all the time. Maybe in a year, I'll offer discounts twice to all of them just to boost sales which have always worked. Although, there are still some of them who wouldn't order even if you offer good discounts.
  16. Heatman

    Are You a Full-Time vs. Part-Time Freelancer?

    As of this moment, I'm working as a freelancer on a part time basis. It's not that I can't work on full time basis as a freelancer but I want variety in my means of making money. I can never depend on one source. It makes me vulnerable. I have always wanted to own a physical business...
  17. Heatman

    Tips for Staying Motivated as a Freelancer

    Working without a goal as a freelancer is like driving a car without map to a destination which you don't know the direction to. You're just going to get lost on your way doing it and that's how you will end up losing your motivation and finally quit.
  18. Heatman

    Print on Demand Business

    Print-on-demand is a very good section which I have see so many freelancers take on and become successful at it. I haven't explored that path yet but it's something I haven't fully written off. So, one day, I'll definitely tatse the waters myself and give my own personal experience on it.
  19. Heatman

    How to Build a Strong Freelance Portfolio

    The best way to build a very strong freelance portfolio is by constantly acquiring skills in different fields. As a freelance, there's so much you can learn and offer services on each and every one of them. Pick the one's which you can be a pro in and build it very well.
  20. Heatman

    Do you have business cards?

    When I worked for an Advertising agency back in the days, I had my own personal business card which was very handy back then because of the clients we seek out for contracts. They need the card to reach back to me. But right now, I don't make use of any for both my online and offline business.