Personally, I don't think there's going to be any course for alarm with me when a client that I'm working for decide to terminate a project that I'm already working on. This is because it's his decision to do so and I'm still getting paid irrespective of the job being. Does it have any...
I've been working as a freelancer for a very long time and I can tell you that I've seen so many clients who can be very indecisive with what they really want. I've had so many times when a client would wake up to ask for changes in what they already asked me to work on. This means giving me...
For someone like me started out as a graphics designer since 2005 which is now 19 years in the making, I've designed so many projects that it's going to be very difficult for me to remember all of them off heart. But I can still recall working on some of the Coca-Cola’s campaign.
Do you still...
How long have you been working with Photoshop software to work as a graphics designer? It was Photoshop CS2 that was the first version that I used. If I remembered it correctly, it was way back in 2005. It have been 19 years since then.
What was the first version of Photoshop you used?
I know that a lot of graphics designer started way back. Some have been in the business for more than 20 years or even more. If you have been so long in the graphics design field, do you still remember the first tool that you worked with?
What were the ups and downs of such graphics design...
Do you pay particular attention to colour selection when you're working on a motion graphics design project? Which colour are usually your top favorites color set to choose from?
How good are you in motion graphics design?
When it comes to starting any kind of business, having capital to start the business operation is a must. I don't believe in using zero capital to start any kind of business.
So, where your business is set up online or carried out offline, what's the least amount you had as capital to kick it off?
Do you think it's necessary for a freelancer to have his own lawyer? Personally, I don't think so because most of the freelance websites have their Terms of Service which you have to adhere to when working through their platform. If there's any need for sorting out disputes, they have a system...
There are so many freelancing websites where jobs are listed by those who want to get the best freelancers to do it for them by having them bid on the job. The job lister will choose the best bidder he wants.
How often do you bid for jobs on the freelance websites that you're using?
Setting up services as a freelancer means that you wait for your perspective clients to contact you through your service threads and have what they want you to do for them discussed and finalized.
What's your average response time as a freelancer whenever your clients reach out to you?
It's going to be almost impossible to cut off the use of AI today when it comes to content generation. So many writers are making use of ChatGPT to generate their contents but it's very important to review what you get because ChatGPT isn't 100% accurate.
Unfortunately, I don't own any blog at the moment but I've written some contents on blogs over the years. There are some blogs I drop by every now and then and I also post as a guest blogger where I want to do so.
Yes of course, it's definitely an art. The most important thing is that you put out something out there which those who love and appreciate horror contents are going to enjoy. You don't need to go too far looking for such fans because I'm one of them.
Unfortunately, it's going to be almost impossible for you to prevent that from happening in our world today. Even with copyright, people's work are still being stolen and used without their consent or giving credit to them.
Keep on practicing and reading/studying is the only way to improve your writing. When you keep doing the same thing over and over again, you will definitely become good at it.
Generally, I don't have any problems with writing on forums or blogs. The only I'm going to say is that the level of engagement on forums is better than what you have on blogs. It's why many people prefer it on forums.
Personally, I can write on most niche but when I have to choose my top favorite, it's going to be football and sports related niches. It's my my favourite hobby in the world and that's why I find it so easy to write on it.
You see that last part where you said "DON'T GIVE UP", it's very important to stress that very well because when it comes to becoming a successful writer who makes decent money from the job, it's very difficult. If you give up early, it's going end your dreams.
When it comes to SEO, if you don't take keywords research seriously, it's going to be very difficult for you to put out anything out there that's going to get any major hit with activities because the keywords that you used isn't what people are looking for.
It's going to be very silly of any writer to just jump into writing on any subject without doing their research. Even if it's what they are familiar with, it's very important to still research because things might have changed from what they used to know.