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  1. Matthew

    Slow but surely, I’m learning Xenforo’s admin panel currently and getting it set up. Messed up...

    Slow but surely, I’m learning Xenforo’s admin panel currently and getting it set up. Messed up the install and had to redo it so that was a fun learning curve. I’ll be moving some content over from the initial mybb install this weekend and am hoping to release initial stages early next week...
  2. Matthew

    Moderation Necroposting

    Good discussion is good discussion. I personally don’t mind it if the new posts adds to and encourages further discussion especially if the old threads are visible on the first or second page.
  3. Matthew

    Last non-internet thing you did?

    A last minute Valentine’s Day trip to Target for the wifey and daughter.
  4. Matthew

    How to Choose The Perfect Domain Without Losing Your Sanity!

    I love your tip that focuses on perception. I think this is often overlooked and it can be damaging. On the opposite side, it can drive traffic to you. The question is whether it’s the kind of traffic you want? I also used AI to help generate ideas. I fed it concepts, ideas, and parameters...
  5. Matthew

    Last non-internet thing you did?

    Who won? I did a job fair today 3.5 hours away! Got lots of resumes and had one kid ask what we looked for in resumes which was nice
  6. Matthew

    Leadership Staff Selection - What's Your Process?

    As a human resources professional, I do a lot of talent screening, interviewing, and selection for my company. My role is to help management create a stellar team ready to tackle all of our challenges. This process takes time, attention, and lots of reading. My current process is this (in a...
  7. Matthew

    Completed SWC

    My part is completed - Obby Longsword is the name
  8. Matthew

    Meta staff torrented nearly 82TB of pirated books for AI training — court records reveal copyright violations

    That is an absurd amount of data. Assuming no settlements, I’d be interested to see the total damages that can be claimed with that amount. Realistically, they will settle for a much lesser amount with file owners receiving far less in damages.
  9. Matthew

    General Do You Allow Multiple Accounts

    There are very few circumstances where I would allow a secondary account. One would be for posting packages during early stages of a forum. The other would be in situations where a staff member wants peace while posting without the constant barrage of being a staff member. I’ve seen this...
  10. Matthew

    What's your motive behind creating a forum?

    Honestly, I’m enjoying learning new skills. If I get to talk about and share a hobby of mine in the process, it’s that much more rewarding.
  11. Matthew

    Elon Musk-led team submits $97.4B bid for OpenAI

    At this point, I think OpenAI has more power than X could hope to have. I'd also be curious to know where the amount for Musk's bid would come from considering the issues he apparently had trying to acquire Twitter previously.
  12. Matthew

    SEO Do you prefer to do your own SEO or do you hire someone to do it?

    Absolutely, AI is only as good as the human reviewing it. It’s a great jumpstart tool though to help get you moving forward.
  13. Matthew

    SEO Do you prefer to do your own SEO or do you hire someone to do it?

    I think with resources like ChatGPT, doing your own SEO work is more doable now than ever before. I would find value in learning the skill as a fresh community starting out likely wouldn’t have the resources necessary to hire someone for this purpose.
  14. Matthew

    Completed SWC

    I'm going to jump in and help with this one
  15. Matthew

    Engagement Forum Competition/Contest Prizes

    I'll work so hard for a branded, half zip fleece especially if the logo is nice.
  16. Matthew

    Thank you, Altair!

    Thank you, Altair!
  17. Matthew

    What decade were you born in?

    I was born in 94. Grew up playing N64 and Gameboy games. Had my mom's Atari as well. My PC used dial up interview and I played Zoo Tycoon almost religiously. I enjoyed burning CDs and watching MTV and VH1 music videos. The VH1 metal documentaries were great. Cribs and Pimp My Ride were a...
  18. Matthew

    Growth What are some effective ways to learn how to create a community?

    I think when it comes to community building, there is nothing better than having spent time as a community member yourself. Watch, see what you both like and don't like, and write down ideas to use later on. Additionally, resources such as ChatGPT can provide excellent ideas on how to navigate...
  19. Matthew

    I'm Altair

    Welcome to Administrata! What type of outdoor sports do you enjoy?
  20. Matthew

    Using Reddit as a Keyword Research Tool to find Topics around your Niche

    I’ve not tried this yet but I see the value in this. Reddit seems to THE forum of the internet now a days. I usually read through Reddit before making a big purchase or make a major decision. I’ll have to try this as I open up my 3D printing forum.