I really appreciate you posting this because I had no idea that duplicate posting had any negative effects. Back in the day I was on a few forums that were similar so I would repost the same thread or reply to the different forums not knowing that there was a negative effect of impact on doing...
"Your skin looks so soft and delightful" Yup someone actually told me that and it made me fear that maybe they were cannibals. The way the said it to was very off putting and alarming. My friends and I were at a restaurant about to enjoy a meal and a male came up to me and told me that my skin...
The most awkward question I got was someone asking me if they can buy my eggs from me because they liked my genes and the way I looked. It caught me off guard and made me feel awkward as all hell. I did not know the person, nor have I spoken to them before so you can imagine how confused and off...
These are all amazing questions that I'd love to find answers to, I myself have never sold or purchased a forum so I would have no idea what is legal or not. However, I have seen forum owners sell their forums and your questions are really interesting and good ones to ask. I would think it would...
Word of mouth can be an awesome way to grow a forum, but it works best when it’s paired with other marketing strategies. Word of mouth works because people trust recommendations when it's coming from someone whom they also trust. It also helps build a strong community because when people feel...
All of these sound like amazing ways to not only keep members but to encourage members to be active and encourage new users to become members.
It's a lot of time, dedication and hard work to build an engaging community and really your work never ends as you should be upgrading the forum...
I'm excited to hear how your project is coming along @Shawn Gossman! Like I've posted previously I've never had my own wiki page but I would love to hear how your project has taken off =)
I'd love to wish everyone a Happy Valentine's Day filled with love and happiness.
I know Valentine's day was made up by the businesses to create more profit and business but I love to use this day as a reminder of all of the things I love and appreciate. Almost like a second Thanksgiving :P
I honestly don't see why necroposting would be a bad thing. The user is still adding value to the forum and in my eyes keeping the forum current and active. It doesn't matter what thread they reply to as long as it is on topic and adds value.
I myself am someone who does a lot of necroposting...
This is an amazing opportunity! If I had a forum/website I'd definitely be in, unfortunately for now all I have is a business Facebook page :P I hope a lot of people sign up though cause it's an easy way to win free advertising.
To be honest the subforum part is always one of the most difficult parts for me. I'm bad at coming up with original/creative names.
I do agree with you though that putting the news, rules and introduction section at the top of the forum since that's the first thing members or guests will see.
I mean I would prefer if a user uses an avatar but I completely understand if they don't. Sometimes people like to remain a little anonymous and don't really know what to put as an avatar which is fine. For a while I didn't really use an avatar and it was simply because I was too lazy to think...
It's okay to be biased, I mean after all it is a gift and if you just gave it to everyone it wouldn't feel as special. I'll admit I only sent out about 5 of them, would I like to shower everyone with gifts, of course! But then the people who received them wouldn't feel so special.
I mean after...
Oh wow, I am sooo sorry to hear that! That must have been soul crushing and devastating! I've made that mistake before too to not back anything up and though it did affect me and the forum it didn't have such a major effect as it did on you. I'm glad you've learned from the mistake though.
7. It creates a sense of belonging.
In a world that can sometimes feel isolating, a community provides a space where people feel seen, heard, and valued. It’s a place where friendships grow, support is always available, and no one has to feel alone.
Honestly, what excites me the most about building a forum is seeing members come back and stay active. I've worked so hard to create a space where people feel welcomed, valued, and excited to engage. There's something so rewarding about seeing real conversations spark, connections form, and...