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  1. Tyrsson

    Hey, @Cedric suggested I contact you on a logo and website design I am looking to do very soon...

    Hey, @Cedric suggested I contact you on a logo and website design I am looking to do very soon. Was wondering if you are on Discord?
  2. Tyrsson

    The impact of AI on software development jobs

    I disagree and here is why. Creativity is the one thing that AI struggles with the most. In respect to code. 99.9% of the time, the most creative solution will be a few other things as well. It will be both the most elegant solution to a given problem, which means rarely its not also the...
  3. Tyrsson

    How did you learn HTML?

    At what point should a person be considered to "know" html? That, as I learned the hard way is a very subjective thing. What happens when you start using a JS framework that operates on the "Shadow DOM"? It can go even further in respect to html. What if the system you are developing is built...
  4. Tyrsson

    Have you taken a course at college?

    I think this is basically a question of who is naturally talented in the area of programming and who is not. For those that are, college level classes in respect to programming are almost always a waste of time and can, depending on the professor, actually teach you more bad habits than good...
  5. Tyrsson

    How SQL injections work, and how to protect your system from them.

    I can see WAF as an issue depending on the user input. A single quote can be valid user input, but if you filter that at the WAF then the user input is either A) Incomplete or B) Never reaches the application.
  6. Tyrsson

    What is the most interesting personal project you are building right now?

    I am currently writing a custom blog software that will power my Mastering Mezzio website. It will be a learning resource platform for Mezzio framework. In the first iteration it will just be blog post but the second iteration I have planned to introduce courses that will support streaming...
  7. Tyrsson

    Who uses adobe dreamweaver?

    Its garbage. It creates garbage code. My suggestion is Visual Studio Code. Install it. Learn it. Build faster in all of the languages you need in a full stack environment in a single IDE. It's the best thing MicroSoft has ever done.
  8. Tyrsson

    Basic requirements needed to learn coding.

    The number 1 requirement. An intense desire to learn. In programming, especially in web, you must learn on a daily basis. Period. If you do not like learning new skills, new techniques then it's not for you. It will be the one constant in your career since it is the one single thing you will...
  9. Tyrsson

    Do you sometimes get tired and stressed out while coding?

    One has to be mindful of the mental debt that is incurred when switching context though.
  10. Tyrsson

    Sovereign Esports is Hiring!

    I'm curious as to what tech stack you leverage?
  11. Tyrsson

    What are the best ways to learn programming?

    I would say that there has been another resource left out of the list. For Php that resource would be Xdebug. By learning to use an actual Debugger like Xdebug (but for your language) it will teach you more about runtime processing than any other tool. You will get to see how the engine reads...
  12. Tyrsson

    Laravel the top PHP framework?

    Let me put this gently. I would not recommend Laravel. Why would I say this? It is the most opinionated framework you will find in the market today. You are locked in from install. Its use of anti-patterns should be a crime (that was a joke :P ). See their "facade" use for an example. Its...
  13. Tyrsson

    Dark or light mode?

    There can be only one. Dark mode :P
  14. Tyrsson

    Do You Test Your Websites Online or Using Real Devices?

    It depends greatly on what I am trying to test. For services I want to first test them at the Unit level ie php unit. The same services could then be integration tested within the built application. For load time via different network speeds I would probably test them via something like...
  15. Tyrsson

    AMA My introduction

    Possibly... :ROFLMAO:
  16. Tyrsson

    AMA My introduction

    Damn, I didnt address the magic.... public function __call($name, $arguments) { return $this->instance->$name(...$arguments); }
  17. Tyrsson

    AMA My introduction

    Complicated statement.... (me (research) and contributors) v2=u2+2 coupled with F=ma (a=F/m) Leads roughly to: (4.3/root(x))ms-1 if velocity is in the neighborhood of (3/x)ms-1 With time being v - 4.9t2 = -v - when 4.9t2 = 2v and vt = d (distance being 2 in this case). Now, 2 = 3.3x-1.5, and...
  18. Tyrsson

    General How many forums have you had (and what where they)?

    Not had very many personal forums. Always been to busy building the software rather than the communities.
  19. Tyrsson

    Shawn Here!

    Hey, there's somebody I recognize. Bout time :P