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Search results

  1. Cory

    Last non-internet thing you did?

    I went out of town to one of the nearest largest cities ate a burger, window-shopped some, and lurked around.
  2. Cory

    If you weren't into forums...

    I'm glad you could find a reason to get off them! ;)
  3. Cory

    Community Chat Thread

    Hey everyone, I went out of town today and went to a superstore that sells many things for a discount. I found The Rise of the Dragon for about $7. I thought that was rather cheap considering the last time I saw the book in stores it was well above $20. I considered buying it, but because I...
  4. Cory

    Off Topicz

    I'm happy to see the site kicking off again. It has grown quite immensely since its birth. :)
  5. Cory

    Do you allow links inside posts in your forum?

    If they're blantantly creating a post just to advertise where they're not allowed to, it will likely be deleted. Otherwise, I will allow a majority of links in posts as long as they're not malicious.
  6. Cory

    Hiring Community Moderators

    Good luck to all applicants. :)
  7. Cory

    Completed Off Topicz

    @Nomad: How many accounts do you want to spread for the posts? Also, what if you've already created an introduction topic?
  8. Cory

    Growth Are you worried you don't get enough registrations?

    Not at all, with 30 - 40+ registrations a month I wonder how that many people do find out about my board. I have managed to promote it to a great extent and I'm sure there's a lot of word of mouth for one of the few standalone resource boards on the Jcink platform.
  9. Cory

    Circana confirms Black Ops 6 is 2024's biggest hit, but overall game spend in the US falls

    This makes me want to play the game more now. But, I've always been more of a Modern Warfare fan. I could get into the Black Ops series but never played many of the ones I originally purchased.
  10. Cory

    Engagement Forum Competition/Contest Prizes

    I would probably give away shop credits, noticeable advertisement spaces on my board, or a custom skin. It all depends on the type of competition. I think I tried giving away a virtual gift card once and no one still took any interest in the competition. It also depends on the niche of your...
  11. Cory

    Marketing What is your favorite forum promotion method?

    I like how signature advertisements spread your forum far and wide when you are actively posting on a site. It can help build backlinks and when you have a fancy advertisement image in use, users are deemed to click it sometimes.
  12. Cory

    Engagement How often does your forum get a new member?

    I gain, on average, 30 - 40 members a month. However, most of these registrations are to view the resource forums. I have little posting activity for a board with 2000+ members.
  13. Cory

    Team Building Chain of Command Styles

    Since I've been flying solo for many years, there's only an Admin group. If I have a fully-fledged team for a resource board I would probably have three user groups for staff members: Admin, Resource Team, and Community Team
  14. Cory

    Community Chat Thread

    Not really. I have to go to work on Saturday for only 4 hours, but I'm off on Sunday. Once again, I will work overnight tonight for our weekly truck. Maybe I'll brainstorm some extensions I could bring to the table on ForumSpark over the weekend.
  15. Cory

    JavaScript now mandatory for Google Search, Google confirms

    I was misled by the title too. JavaScript must be enabled in your web browser for Google to perform a search query. JavaScript being used on the site itself is irrelevant.
  16. Cory

    any vapers here?

    I've never taken a puff of anything in my whole life.
  17. Cory

    Paid or Free Theme

    Free theme, because I can code one myself and my friend can design it. 😀
  18. Cory

    General NodeBB v4.0.0 has been released

    It looks quite nice. The infinite scrolling in the forum and topic view is quite a convenience and the indicator to tell what post number you're viewing on the right side is pretty neat! It does look like modern-day forum software for sure!
  19. Cory

    Strategy Hard-working forum owners

    When I see daily log-ins and members actively posting around the board it feels like a great accomplishment, knowing I shaped the foundation for something successful.
  20. Cory

    Community Chat Thread

    I had to get my tires aired today because they were low, especially one. I originally forgot to set the PSI that it should be set to, so it seemed like the tires were deflating instead of inflating because the PSI either went down or stayed around the same. After I aired my tires, it said the...