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  1. Cory

    Open March Submissions – Enter the Site of the Month Contest!

    Good luck to all the participants, and thanks to everyone who voted for jCodes in the last round! I didn't even realize jCodes won until I saw my advertisement below the posts.
  2. Cory

    Would You Rather Go to the Mountains, the Beach or the City?

    The mountain range was beautiful when I visited it up in Montana. I'd pick that over getting sand in your crack at the beach. The city is nice occasionally if you're in the mood for shopping.
  3. Cory

    15,000 posts landmark!

    Awesome, now onwards to 100K! 😀
  4. Cory

    Completed Administrata Lottery: 25 Threads for jCodes

    Here's the link to my winnings:
  5. Cory

    Question and answer sites: good or bad?

    Stack Overflow has been a godsend in my coding journey. Every time I don't know how to do something, I find a solution there.
  6. Cory

    If your life had a warning label, what would it say?

    Warning: Conversations are not my strong point. I'm much better at general chit-chat, answering questions, or not talking at all.
  7. Cory

    I'm back...

    Hi, @Bryn, welcome back!
  8. Cory

    Staff Changes & Announcements

    Thank you, guys, for the well-wishes! Your objection may be taken into future consideration! ;)
  9. Cory

    Community Chat Thread

    I'm back from our 2-day trip! We had an overall nice time! I had to get caught up with some stuff on my board and help some people on the official Jcink board. Now I should be back in full action!
  10. Cory

    Community Chat Thread

    I’m on my way near Austin, TX to visit some old friends with my family. It will be fun! :)
  11. Cory

    Post Exchanges With jCodes

    Hey man, I’m MIA from my computer for today and tomorrow, so I’ll pick the exchange back up on Sunday.
  12. Cory

    AMA Hi there, my name is Michael

    Hello, Michael! Enjoy your time here!
  13. Cory

    Completed 120 Posts & 30 Threads Plz!!

    I have completed my end!
  14. Cory

    Completed 120 Posts & 30 Threads Plz!!

    I'll try to have my end completed by tomorrow. :)
  15. Cory

    Forum Addicts

    It's mainly the body background that I thought made the theme look wicked. The current theme is nice too!
  16. Cory

    Forum Addicts

    Out of curiosity, what happened to the original theme?
  17. Cory

    Should Moderators Be Paid for Their Work?

    I think it depends on various circumstances. If they originally agreed to be nothing more than a volunteer to help the community out, then I think it's safe to say they shouldn't expect payment. If it's a brand-new forum that requires little effort due to the inactivity of getting the forum off...
  18. Cory

    What is the most awkward question someone has asked you?

    It's not too awkward, but a girl I asked out in the past repeated herself two times asking if I knew where she lived. I found it odd considering that a.) we never went out, b.) she had a boyfriend at the time as far as I was concerned, and c.) we didn't get along the best when we worked together...