I figured as much, it was just weird that they were all mostly viewing the same topics. For a second there, I thought my board may have been linked via social media. 😅
I used to, but I stopped doing so because there became few significant things to send updates for and one user threatened to...
There's a high chance they will be. A lot of schools close their doors when the roads ice over.
It was freaky working in the dark. The blackouts started happening while customers were still in the store and they had to get them all out of there to prevent theft and whatnot. For about two or...
We're predicted to get about 4-5 inches of snow tomorrow where I live in Texas. That's considered a lot for Texas considering we don't always get snow year-round.
I remember when I worked at Walmart we had rolling blackouts where the lights would go off and come back on. We mostly had to work...
I joined in 2009 around my birthday and only have 695 posts considering I've always mainly used the forum for its intent. I've tried actively posting on the forum occasionally, but I always get distracted by other forums I'm a part of.
I've only seen significant activity on my board when I sent out a bulk email about new features.
I've had 500+ guests viewing my forum at one point and they were mostly viewing two or three topics about new films. Whether they were bots or humans, I'll never know.
My forum was once DDoSed so badly that a protection screen had to be implemented before accessing the board. The forum software owner implemented this, so he ensured my board and his network were protected.
I don't recognize this user of one of the largest promotion forums known to mankind. 😅
Welcome to the community, may you find beneficial activities here!