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  1. Cory

    Happy Valentine's Day!

    Happy soon-to-be Singles Awareness Day for myself. I do wish everyone who does celebrate Valentine's Day a great day, however. :)
  2. Cory

    Completed 120 Posts & 30 Threads Plz!!

    I'm locked out of my account because I used a random password generator to generate my password thinking I would stay logged in, but upon my next visit, I was logged off. I used the lost password form and never got an email. I have to start saving passwords to Google Chrome because this has...
  3. Cory

    What country would you like to visit?

    What country would you like to visit that you haven't already visited? I'd visit Japan due to the cool technological and gaming advances.
  4. Cory

    Closed Secret Valentine Gift Event – Spread the Love! 💝

    True, it's not like I gift the whole world when I give my family gifts after all! The same can apply here. Roger that! (y)
  5. Cory


    Most were related to car incidents, and a majority were my fault. Thankfully, I haven't caused a wreck before. I've done some dumb things that almost did though. I once pulled into oncoming traffic and one person had to swerve and one person had to put their breaks on, this was primarily due to...
  6. Cory

    General What's your take on members without an avatar?

    I think an avatar can often be a picture of yourself, someone you love, an interest, or something you can relate to. An avatar can help speak words about the person behind the screen, it usually tells a little something about them. Even a default avatar I would prefer to see over someone with no...
  7. Cory

    Using Reddit as a Keyword Research Tool to find Topics around your Niche

    I've used the "site:" operator all too often to find relevant topics on websites. This is a good tip since Reddit has a vast array of subjects that pertain to any niche. If you want to start a community and keep it relevant, I imagine using Reddit as a research tool is a great way to do just...
  8. Cory

    Which payment processor is the best for you?

    I've been using PayPal for over a decade and the only issue I've ever had with it wasn't particularly an issue with the service. It was the person buying services from me who committed to a chargeback and I was about $200+ out of pocket after paying my fees back. Since I sell goods on eBay...
  9. Cory

    Closed Secret Valentine Gift Event – Spread the Love! 💝

    This is a sweet gift! Four people have gifted me and I'm very appreciative. I would probably send some gifts, but feel I'd be biased. :unsure: I would have to gift the whole member base.😅
  10. Cory

    Last non-internet thing you did?

    I took a much-needed shower. Now I feel fresh!
  11. Cory

    Which forums are you mostly active on?

    My board (Jcink resource board) the Jcink support board, and here, and probably a few general discussion forums.
  12. Cory

    What game are you currently playing?

    Pokemon GO, as always, but I played around 4 rounds of Call of Duty Modern Warfare II multiplayer last night. I think I was in last place every time. I love FPS games, but they're not my strong suit.
  13. Cory

    General Are forums outdated now? Do they still work well for getting feedback and providing answers?

    If the content remains relevant, then so does the forum. If you have outdated content, you have an obsolete forum. That's the way I see it. You can find many benefits to using message boards, such as easier ways to seek out online friendships, a community-like atmosphere, easier-to-use...
  14. Cory

    Foundation Shutting Down a forum

    I've shut down multiple Yu-Gi-Oh message boards due to finding greater interest in something else or it became hard to find an audience for such a niche. I've also closed down a few old coding message boards because I returned to my original resource board instead of creating new ones. I also...
  15. Cory

    General Do You Allow Multiple Accounts

    I try my best to prevent multiple accounts. I can understand creating a duplicate account if you were somehow locked out of your original account, but even then you can contact the administrator to help you get back into your account. Creating multiple accounts always seems like someone may be...
  16. Cory

    Community Chat Thread

    Hey everyone, I haven't been all that active on Administrata lately due to coding/support keeping me busy and personal issues, but I hope to start being more active now. I hope everyone is having a wonderful week and staying safe out there!
  17. Cory

    Post Exchanges With jCodes

    Thanks! You're such a sweet person!
  18. Cory

    Completed Threads and Posts for New Forum

    I finally completed my end. :)
  19. Cory

    Growth What are some effective ways to learn how to create a community?

    It's an oldie, but probably still a goodie: I used to own the book myself.
  20. Cory

    What are some great movies I should check out right now?

    The list is almost a decade old and modified half a decade ago, but I found this: