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  1. Bawse

    How much do you pay for your server?

    I currently pay less than $10 a month for my two forums.
  2. Bawse

    Engagement Why are you not active on your forum?

    I'm usually active. I have days where I'm stressed out, and I'm less active. I tend to overwork myself trying to reach my goals.
  3. Bawse

    Leadership What makes someone a bad community owner?

    Neglecting the community, because they don't have time for it. I've seen new forum owners expect over night success when it doesn't happen that way.
  4. Bawse

    General What's your take on members without an avatar?

    I don't mind it. Especially with Xenforo assigning avatars with the first letter of a screen name. Members usually add an avatar once they become more involved in the community.
  5. Bawse

    Ethics Should members have the right to delete their post?

    No. Once content is published, it's owned by the forum.
  6. Bawse

    Growth What social media platforms do you use to promote your forum?

    I use everything I can that allows me to share gambling related sites. Facebook, Twitter/X, and Bluesky I post on daily. I also work with streamers that promote my forum on Twitch.
  7. Bawse

    General Do you prefer a VPS or Shared Hosting?

    My forums use a shared hosting plan. Paying for a VPS would be a waste of money at this time for me.
  8. Bawse

    Running forum on new server

    It's very easy to download a backup, and install a site on a new server. I've done it countless times. The owner should already be downloading regular backups. It's risky not too, you can lose all your hard work.
  9. Bawse

    Case Study Does your community have sentimental value?

    I started my forum as a dream project. I would never sell even if I received a big offer. I sold a Facebook group in the past in the same niche as my forum, and I learned the hard way how easy it is for a community to turn on you. I had to grind for my community back, and prove my doubters...
  10. Bawse

    Growth Should you continue to add content or step back at one point?

    I always add content to my forum EVERYDAY. If new discussions I start aren't getting replies, I stop creating threads until we get some responses, and I try to reply to more posts.
  11. Bawse

    Delegation Letting staff go - How and when should you do it?

    Since I started my forum a little over a year ago. I removed a moderator from my team, because they never told me they were a former moderator with one of my partners, and they made a mistake hustling the owner out of money. I removed him as soon as I found out.
  12. Bawse

    Advice Is it best to have a website along side your forum?

    I have two forums that provide links to each other, both are in the same niche, but different. If you have a second site, it doesn't necessarily mean you'll get more members. Everything you can do to boost your forum, helps.
  13. Bawse

    Bluesky surpasses 10 million users

    It would suck if Elon managed to, and merged it with Twitter/X.
  14. Bawse

    New Poker Webmaster/Affiliate Forum

    New Logo and theme at PokerWebmaster! News post:
  15. Bawse

    Poker Community - Online Poker Forum

    Big updates for February. Two leaderboards, and more:
  16. Bawse

    Engagement Forum Competition/Contest Prizes

    Cash prizes, but I don't think forum contests work well unless you already have a established community.
  17. Bawse

    Paid or Free Theme

    It depends. I don't mind paying for a theme if it suits my needs, but I do prefer free themes. I also like to customize themes to make them fit better on my site.
  18. Bawse

    Closed January Site of the Month Contest - Time to Vote!

    I voted for Virtualpetlist. First forum I ever joined. Easy choice.
  19. Bawse

    Admin Junkies

    Were you the original owner of Admin Junkies?
  20. Bawse

    Growth Are you worried you don't get enough registrations?

    Registrations, no. It's actually easy for me to get sign ups in my niche, but members that regularly contribute posts is more difficult.