I don't mind it. Especially with Xenforo assigning avatars with the first letter of a screen name. Members usually add an avatar once they become more involved in the community.
I use everything I can that allows me to share gambling related sites. Facebook, Twitter/X, and Bluesky I post on daily.
I also work with streamers that promote my forum on Twitch.
It's very easy to download a backup, and install a site on a new server. I've done it countless times.
The owner should already be downloading regular backups. It's risky not too, you can lose all your hard work.
I started my forum as a dream project. I would never sell even if I received a big offer. I sold a Facebook group in the past in the same niche as my forum, and I learned the hard way how easy it is for a community to turn on you. I had to grind for my community back, and prove my doubters...
I always add content to my forum EVERYDAY. If new discussions I start aren't getting replies, I stop creating threads until we get some responses, and I try to reply to more posts.
Since I started my forum a little over a year ago. I removed a moderator from my team, because they never told me they were a former moderator with one of my partners, and they made a mistake hustling the owner out of money.
I removed him as soon as I found out.
I have two forums that provide links to each other, both are in the same niche, but different. If you have a second site, it doesn't necessarily mean you'll get more members. Everything you can do to boost your forum, helps.
Big updates for February. Two leaderboards, and more: https://poker.community/threads/stockpoker-and-darksidepoker-leaderboards-february-150-gtd-freeroll-50-gtd-freeroll-finals.1367/
It depends. I don't mind paying for a theme if it suits my needs, but I do prefer free themes. I also like to customize themes to make them fit better on my site.