Hi @frm
I have your files ready however it seems just a tad too large to share over the forum.
Could you please share an email address I could wetransfer over.
Attached in the zipped packaged files include:
Full Opensource
High resolution PNGs
Added Extra logo's in the size format requested...
Hey @frm
See attached the mocked up sizes that will be delivered.
Once you confirm all the assets you see presented will be delivered in open source & high resolution.
I look forward to hearing from you!
Absolutely I'll add all the variations in for you to utilise!
Just needed your final approval. I will share shortly a mockup of the sizes needed. for you to review
and once you give the final thumbs up ill share the packaged source files and transparent files needed!
I will be in touch shortly...
Hey @frm
See attached the revised icon with a thicker outline.
I have also included a few more variations of how this would look in different lockups.
Let me know your thoughts. I eagerly await your response!
Hey @frm
Concerning payment, I have got in touch with the team to confirm how you can action this.
However while we wait for confirmation I have went ahead and mocked up 2 options for you to have a look at!
Let me know which options stands out to you, your thoughts, suggestions and any...
Hi @frm
After capturing the details of your projects and the items needed I have set out a list of deliverables you can look forward to upon completion and an estimated quote price for the services rendered. If you are happy with the price we will move ahead accordingly!
1. Main...
Hi there @Bryn
Apologies for the delay I had not been well.
Please see attached the banners including logo source file. Let me know if you need anything adjusted.
I look forward to hearing from you!
Kind regards,
Hi @Bryn please see attached the mocked up designs.
I look forward to hearing your feedback!
Side Note:
For the banner, if you could specify size and maybe have an example of where it shall be placed for a better visual mockup.